Chapter 8

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Harry's POV

he shot me. he bloody shot me.

as soon as he shot me I left the alleyway. as I got through the front door Niall was by my side. "dude, what happened?" I bent over and I knew that my eyes have turned red. "that arse Louis shot me" now I know who Louis is I can now kill him. I wouldn't hurt Rachel. I love her even though I haven't told her yet.

Niall dragged me to the kitchen and sat me down. "hold still" with that he put his hand in the wound, which kills, and pulled out the bullet. "there" he put it in the bin then wiped his bloody hands on a towel. "thanks" I looked up to see Niall looking at me "what?" "what actually happened?" I looked at him confused. "what do you mean?" he looked at me straight in the eye. I hate serious Niall.

"well... every time you come home in the morning you smell of human and you do right now" damn it I forgot Niall had good sense of smell. "uh.." I was speechless.

Rachel's POV

"what the hell Louis!" is the first thing I said when we got home. he turned around, he looked angry "don't blame this all on me. you're the one who lied to me!" "doesn't mean you can shoot him" he looked furious. "why do you even care! he's a vampire! he was going to kill you."

I knew that was not true. I trust him. I love him even though I haven't said it I do.

before I could answer Liam and Michael walked in. Michael looked at Louis then me "what's going on?" Louis looked at me then at Michael. "she has been lying to us the entire time"

I can't take this anymore, so I ran upstairs to my room and slammed the door. I slid down to the floor and cried. I can't believe this. there was a knock at my door. "Rachel open up. It's Liam" I wiped my eyes with the sleeve of my jacket and opened the door. Liam walked in and hugged me.

"I know" is the only thing he said. know what?

it was like he read my mind. "about you and that vampire for the past couple of weeks." I pulled away and starred wide eyed at him. "h-how" " a couple of days ago. I came to check up on you and I saw you and him asleep on your bed. don't worry I wont tell Louis the truth." I looked at him and smiled. "thank you" he returned the smile "no problem" he kissed my forehead "I am going downstairs to calm Louis down" with that he left the room.


It is around midnight when I heard a tap at my window. I groaned and walked over to my window. I opened it to reveal Harry. "hey can I come in" "sure" I moved to the side and he climbed in. the first thing he did was wrap his arms around me and pulling me to his chest. he kissed my head. "I'm sorry." was the only thing he said. "don't be" we both pulled away and walked over to my bed. Harry laid down then pulled me on top of him "I love you" I was shocked. he loves me. I smiled "I love you too, Harry" he kissed my head and I could feel the smirk on his lips. we soon both fell asleep in each others arms.

Zayn's POV

I watched on through the window.

Vampires can't fall in love with a human. but I guess some rule are made to be broken.

Harry has got himself into a lot of trouble. you see 10 years ago I went to go kill the Morgan's, they killed my family I will kill them. But that night a little girl escaped before I could get her. that little girl was Rachel Morgan and I will finish what I started.

I can get Rachel, with Harry's help. he just doesn't know he is making this easier.

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