Chapter 1

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     August kept his eyes on the road until saw a large green sign that stated “Corvallis, 7 miles”. He sighed before turning to his phone and skipping the current song. August got tired of hearing the words “Micheal, you are a monster from hell.” over and over again. Besides, it only made him feel worse. He sighed, rubbing his eyes. He reached over and took a sip of his water. A 3 hour drive did not do him well. 

     After his mothers death, he decided it was time to move back to his home town and pursue a career in Zoology. August had convinced his mother that he would do something that made him happy before she succumbed to her illness. He had wanted to become a veterinarian, but the thought of having to see animals die made him sick, so zoology was his next option. 

     Around his seventh year, his mother had made him move to a small town on the coast after finding out how badly he was being bullied. He had been reluctant at first, but the relief of being treated like a normal human being made everything worth it.

     After another 15 minutes or so, August finally saw the sign that stated “Welcome to Corvallis”. He let out a sigh of relief before finding his way to his apartment building. He paused, turning to the green beanie that lay atop his passenger seat bag. He adjusted his rear-view mirror, studying himself. August sighed before adjusting his hair and pulling the light green beanie over his ears. Some of his fluffy light brown hair spilled out at the bottom, but as long as most of it was covered he was fine.  

     August stepped out of his car and grabbed a few of his bags. A moving truck would come tomorrow with the rest of his things, but the few bags he had now would do for the night. He stepped inside and approached the lady sitting at the front desk. She smiled at him warmly, and wore a name tag that read “Sophie”. He explained to her that he was the new renter of room 420. Her eyes lit up with realization and directed him to the elevator that was set next to a stairwell. Light spots decorated her dark skin, making her more beautiful than she already was. August thanked her before he carried his few bags to the elevator and pressed the fourth button.

As the elevator doors opened he was met with a familiar face. A girl with long black hair and a mash of brown and green in both of her eyes stared at him. She tilted her head ever so slightly at him and opened her mouth to say something, but August pushed past her before anything came out. He hurried down the hall and shoved his key into the lock, slamming his door shut after he got it open. 

     He flicked on the light and was met with a kitchen and dining area. He stepped further inside and saw a small living area and a small hall. August walked down the hall and saw 1 bathroom, and 2 bedrooms. In one room was a bed and a dresser. The moving people had stopped by earlier in the day and dropped off some necessities. August thought about unloading his clothes into the dresser but decided against it. He checked his watch, and wasn’t surprised when it read 12:32. 

     He walked and opened two large doors. One was a closet and the other was a bathroom. He went and grabbed his toiletry bag and brushed his teeth, before changing into sleep wear. August smiled to himself as he lay in bed. He was starting a new life. He had the same job, just at a new location. He would miss his old boss, kate. She was the one who was able to relocate him so he wouldn't have to apply for a new job. She had Alopecia areata, a condition where the immune system attacks hair follicles and causes hair loss.

     Augest reached up and touched the white in his hair. He had a condition called Poliosis. He often got called names, most of them being old. Poliosis is not a common condition like others. Most people had birthmarks, eye colors, or diseases. His mother and father, Indigo and Marco, had a kidney disease. When he was young, his father had donated one of his good kidneys to his mother, allowing her to live until their son was older.

     He frowned at the thought of his mother and his mood dropped. Why were people so cruel in a world where no one was perfect? Everyone had an imperfection. He sighed. August’s thoughts drifted away as a heavy slumber took him over. 


InsecuritiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora