"Drinks for two"

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(a/n its 1:00 pm and you're getting ready for Oaks best friends wedding. BTW Oak is your brother)

Y/N's pov

I sat on the couch waiting for Renée to come pick me up. We were heading to the salon to get our hair and make up done for the wedding.

My brother was in his blue tux and smirked at the sight of me and my dress. "Wow, who are you trying to impress? Daveed?" he said.

"What no! You know I haven't had a crush on diggs since I was 16!" I mumbled angrily.

"Whatever Y/n." he rolled his eyes and looked at his phone as it buzzed.

"There here." Oak said.

There? I wondered. Who else did Renée bring?

We walked outside and oak sat in the front seat. I opened the back of the car door and a tall guy with freckles and curly hair waved at me.

I smiled and waved back at him. I sat down and my phone buzzed.

Jazy🤗 : Y/n are you almost here? Philipa and I are waiting for you guys.

You: Sorry! Well be there in 12 minutes.

Jazy🤗: Okay! See you there!

I placed my phone down and noticed freckle boy staring at me. When he saw me notice him his face turned red.

"Well are you gonna sit there staring at me or are you gonna ask me my name?" I said in a hot tone.

The boy cleared his throat. "Sorry. My name is Anthony. Anthony Ramos what is your name?" He said nervously.

I giggled. He's kinda cute. Then I shook my head. Snap out of it Y/n!

Anthony's pov

She giggled and I smirked. Gosh her giggle was cute. I stared at her beautiful (eye color) eyes.

I also looked at her dress... then my face turned red and looked away.

She also turned red and then shook her head.

"My name is y/n m/n Onaodowan." she said in the same hot tone as before.

Then I remembered oaks' last name was Onaodowan. Oh so she's either his sister or....nah probably not.

She looked down at her phone and I suddenly felt really nervous as her beautiful (hair color) hair swayed into her face. I scooted to the side.

Onaodowan's pov

He looked back and saw his sister and Anthony, with red faces, sitting away from each other.

Then Anthony looked at me and I quickly turned to the front.

I whispered in Renée's ear. " How old is Anthony again and is he single?"

Renée threw her head back. "Why do you need to know? She half whispered and half yelled.

Shhhhh! I said in my head. Why can't you ever just be quiet Renée?

"Nevermind, just keep your eyes on the road." I said.

I did one last look back and was shocked when I saw Anthony and y/n looking at each other.

Y/N's pov

Anthony was staring at me nervously. I chuckled and put my hair in a bun.

I noticed my brother staring at me from the corner of his eye and I just sighed.

My dress skirt was taking up space.

"Ramos, you want me to move my dress?" I said

Anthony was shuffling his feet "No you're fine."

Then we pulled up to the salon.

"Freckles were here."

I said in the same cute tone I've been using.

We all got out of the car and me and freckles walked side by side into the salon.

He had his hands in his pockets as we walked in. His tuxedo looked pretty hot on him.

Jazzy's pov

I heard a ringing and turned to see Y/n by the door way.

" Well if it isn't Renée! Oak! Y/n,"

I paused and winked at her.

Then I saw a tall, but shy, boy with freckles standing behind her. He was wearing a dark blue suit with a rose in his pocket.

I fell in love instantly.

"And what is your name?" I said well trying to hide my nervousness.

He smirked and bent to kiss my hand.

"Anthony. Anthony Ramos."

I blushed and oak came up to us.

"Want a drink?" he said

I said im good but then anthony asked
Y/n if she wanted anything. She said yes.

"Drinks for two. Thanks" Anthony said.


(A/n: Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of flower boy! I really enjoyed writing this! If this gets up to 50 views all write part two! Thank you all for reading this and have a good day or night. Oh and yes I may or may not have jazthony in this 🤫)

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