Did I Ruin It?

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hey loves! <33 how are you all ? i hope you're doing well :)

- sorry it took me a second to put this out. i'm trying to get motivation so i can finish this book. i'm super excited to start my next book so hopefully that will give me a lot of motivation to finish this.

this story will include topics such as:
- dr!g usage
- fluff? ( ig sort of? but not much at all. )
- self-!mage !ssues
( this is a rough chapter babes, sorry. get ur tissues and snacks </3 )

as always, i hope you all enjoy this chapter. i love you all, remember to take care of urselves <3

- hannah <3333

December 4th, 1986
( y/ns pov )

I woke up and heard rain hitting my window. I sat up and looked over at the clock. It was time for me to get up, well actually past time. I wasn't super late though. I got up quick and looked outside. It was storming outside, most people hate rain but I love winter, rainy days.

I walked over to my bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked a mess. I had to leave Eddie's house super early Saturday morning because I was working a twelve-hour shift at the diner, and Sunday I already had plans. I hadn't seen him the entire weekend except Friday night.

I've missed him.

Not only that, but I felt bad about having to leave so soon. Eddie didn't mind, but I felt horrible still. So to make up for it, I bought him a new band shirt. I know it seems like a lot but, I wanted to thank him for the great night. Trust me, it was great.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I completely ignored the fact that I had already brushed my teeth and I was walking to turn the shower on. I turned it on and brushed my hair in the mirror before I undressed and stepped in the shower.

When I got inside the shower, I shivered when cold water hit my skin. I was sort of naive to just hope the water was warm. It's fine though, cold showers are better, right? That's what i've heard. I just shrugged it off and started to scrub shampoo into my hair. I felt my hair get soft as I rinsed the shampoo out.

I continued with conditioner, then body wash, and then whatever else I wanted to use. When I was finished my shower, I opened the curtain and stepped onto the chilled tile floor. I was still shaking as to how cold it was. I quickly grabbed a towel to cover up with as I walked to the mirror.

I grabbed a brush from my counter and started to brush my hair, once I was done I dried my hair and body. I finished and looked in the mirror.

Y'know it's funny... no matter how many things I try to make myself look good, nothing can. It's weird, I mean i've a always been insecure, every teenage girl is. It just felt different, like it's been horrible lately. Is something wrong with me?

Shrugging it off, I walked over to my closet and grabbed a set of random clothes since I didn't care about what I wore and I threw my towel down on the floor. I grabbed the clothes and started to get dressed. I actually didn't end up making horrible combination, just sort of plain.

It was a white long-sleeve shirt and black denim jeans. I definitely needed a jacket so I grabbed a light gray one from the closet. I threw it over my shoulders and walked over to my vanity. Where I fixed my hair and put eyeliner on, and mascara.

y/ns outfit:

———y/ns outfit:

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