Chapter 11 - America

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Dimitri Strovanoski wept uncontrollably as soon as his four most coveted stars told him they were leaving. With the promise of returning, they said goodbye to the group of artists and embarked on a ship loaded with passengers. Apparently the ship was on a route from Italy, so there were many Italians on it looking for a better life in New York.

Kumiko, Nala, Salma and Nicolette decided to wear light and discreet clothes to go unnoticed, although the colors and features didn't help them much. They were lucky that Catherine, who no longer wore a wig, had instructed them in a basic lady's course. She taught them to sit, walk, and speak properly to avoid misunderstandings on a ship loaded with men. 

Salma was still whimpering in the corners remembering the snake she had to leave, while the others delighted in the beautiful views of the sea. Harold, had signed up for the adventure, and traveled next to them to provide them with a minimum of protection, although there were some who had confused him with a pimp. Especially an Italian who asked him in pathetic English: "how much did a night with one of his girls cost." He very kindly explained to her that they were not prostitutes, but ladies, so that she would understand. 

The arrival at the American port was chaotic and humiliating, controls and more controls as well as long waits standing without eating. If you weren't sick, they made you sick. 

"Name, surname and nationality," asked a man who seemed bored without even looking at her. 

"Catherine, sir. Catherine Alexandra Nowells. English." 


 "She was able to set foot on American lands and the rest of her travel companions too, it was not difficult to enter that country and she felt welcome, leaving aside the hostile treatment of her arrival.

 "And now?" They looked at each other. "Now we are going to look for a hotel, from which we will look at places to be able to give our shows." Catherine was fantastic, brilliant in her ideas and she never ceased to amaze those around her. She had that strange magnetism that caused people to follow her, and obey her. 

They passed through the Five Points, about to regret having crossed to the other continent. The problem was that they did not know which were the dangerous neighborhoods and they had gotten into one of the worst where the Italian mafia was beginning to be created. Luckily, someone must have seen their "fools" face and they came out unscathed. They arrived in Greenwich Village, a neighborhood basically occupied by Englishmen, and looked for accommodation. 

Finally, they rented a three-bedroom apartment. 

"I need to rest" Nala lay down on one of the beds followed by Kumiko, "we'll stay in this room. TRUE?"

"Yes, I think that's fine," the Asian woman agreed, rolling her eyes around the simple but sufficient room for two women. 

"I'll sleep in this one," Harold announced, pointing to the smaller and darker one, leaving the larger and more spacious one for Salma and Catherine. 

In a matter of weeks, Catherine had already found a location and decorated it. Nothing like having money, she thought. They filled the streets with posters announcing their opening and prepared their best performances. 

"I'm going to set up a trapeze," Nicolette said, looking at the ceiling as she spoke with Harold. "I'll come down singing, and when I reach the ground, I'll start walking to the stage." 

"They'll be fascinated," he commented, looking at her, mesmerized. 

"You'll be over there," she pointed to a corner. "And you'll do the male voices. The others will be with me, I've talked to them and we've thought about choreographing a mix of styles. They know more about that, so I've let them advise me." 

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