Chapter 3: Prism chaos

Comenzar desde el principio

He pointed the gun at the member who decided to open his big-ass-mouth. Nine smirked.

"No, I'm sending you all to hell." He fired the weapon. And it hit the council members arm. Shooting the arm clean off the bone. Blood spilled and the smell of burning flesh hit Nine's nose.

He listened to yells of horror and the screams of the now fallen council member. Nine pointed the gun at Rusty Rose. She stood there in shook. Or at least as shocked as she could be.

"Get out of here Rose. Their programming doesn't affect you no longer." And he wasn't lying one bit. Before he left his "captors" he placed a virus into her programming. It only took a few hours to take affect but it seemed to finally settle in now. Her programming slowly losing the trace, and now losing the control the chaos council had over her.

Her ears listening to the sound of the foxes voice ringing out over her speakers. "You now have a virus by Nine!" Like a mantra that continued until he caught her attention again.

Her non-robotic eye blinked. Turning from a dull green to a bright emerald. She still held no emotion but that wasn't her fault. Nine nodded at her. A silent telling, 'go.' He mouthed. She nodded and a metal arm swung her away from his hideout. And far away from the council.

He nodded to himself. Drowning out the continuous screams of the chaos council member. He wasn't a nice guy. He didn't do nice things. This situation showed it.

This was just a favor he owed Sonic. Nothing more. (And he ignored the fact that it felt nice. Finally letting her become free from their control. Whatever that poor girl, before she became...that, went through, he could only silently hope she got peace of mind. Even if it was robotic.)

Turning his attention back to the bloody council member he stepped closer to them. His gun aiming at the next member closest to him. The other member was getting bandaged by one of his robots.

"Round two?" He laughed. His robotic tails pointing at them with their weapons ready to attack. The member yelled out in anger.

"Get him!!" A swarm of robots rolled into the hideout. Nine didn't even blink. In half a second all of them were destroyed. But he wasn't in the same spot anymore. He was on the ceiling, his robotic tails turning back to their normal state as they held him up on the roof. He pointed his gun at the member and shot his foot. It also falling clean off the bone in an explosion of blood. The burnish smell of flesh hit his nose again like a train. He sniffed the air for the smell again and when it hit he scoffed.

"I'll have mercy this time. I'm not so fond of dead bodies." He said before hooking the gun onto his belt, it shrunk in size when it clipped on. He patted it, making sure it was secure before he turned to the portal. He hopped down off the ceiling and smirked at the portal.

He ignored the annoying screams of the council members. He turned to face them one last time.

"Clean this up before you leave. I hate the smell of blood and flesh."

Nine used his tails to throw himself into the portal. It warped closed behind him. He saw the void of colors before him once more.

"I'm coming Sonic..." and with that, he began his search.

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