3. Pointe Shoes

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"Maybe so."

"You're killing me Smalls, you're killing me."

"Quoting the Sandlot? Really?" The other category Tony makes sure I'm caught up in is movies. All the classics. Top Gun, Fight Club, Die Hard, Indiana Jones, etc.. He doesn't want me uncultured.

"All right fine. If you can take this apart fully," Tony tosses me one of his Ironman gloves, "And put it back together I will spar you." He sticks his hand out and I grab it.

"Deal." We shook.

I sit down at one of the tables and get to work using a toolbox Tony had set down in front of me. After trying to work in the silence for a few minutes, I realize it won't work.

"J.A.R.V.I.S.?" I call out to the A.I.

"Yes, miss?"

"Can you play Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy sang by the Andrew Sisters?" It's one of the first songs that pop in my head. Once Steve had became Captain America, and went on tours around the country, it had became our song.

Tony groans at my song choice but allows it. For the next hour, the two of us take turns choosing songs. when Tony chose Teenagers by My Chemical Romance he said, "Teenagers really do scare the living shit out of me when I saw you fighting Rogers." I had laughed at that. I was almost done with the glove when Pepper comes into the room.

"Where have you two been?" Pepper asks as she walks over to the desk I was currently hunched over. "I wanted you two upstairs an hour ago." I continue working on the glove, using a screwdriver to screw a thing into its' place. "What are you doing?" Before giving me time to answer she asks Tony, "Tony, what is he doing?"

"I am dismantling and putting back together a glove so I can kick this old mans ass," I tell her, not looking up once. When we had first met, Pepper wasn't aware of my situation and didn't understand my heavy cursing, but after being further told about my history, she understood and let it go. She also told me that cussing in a Russian accent is pretty badass.


"We made a bet that if Red here could take apart and put together a glove, we would spar," Tony explains, "But, it seems Pepper here wants us upstairs then we have to go up. I guess that means I win." Tony has his back away from Pepper and I and doesn't see what is sitting in front of us.

"Oh I wouldn't be so sure about that, Tony," Pepper smiles down at me while I put the glove on. He turns around and sees me with the glove on, giving him a smirk.

"Wh-what? How?" Tony is practically speechless at how I managed to do that in an hour.

I shrug, "You made it seem more difficult than it was. теперь мы сражаемся." now we fight. Tony and I both rush to the door, but are stopped.

"No, no, no, no," Pepper stands in front of the doorway, stopping us, "It is time to eat. Actually it was time to eat an hour ago," She stares us down.

"But Pepper," I whine, "We can't fight on a full stomach. One round. Please?" I draw the last word out and attempt a pouty face. I nudge Tony in the side to get him to pout as well.

Pepper looks between the two of us and lets out an exasperated breath, "One round. Then dinner."

"YES!" We high-five each other and run to the training room. Pepper follows us and shakes her head, smiling.


After winning the match pretty quickly, I sit down at the kitchen island as Pepper places a pizza box between us. Tony winces in a bit of pain from a kick to the ribs (from yours truly) and reached for some pizza. I tried to go easy, per Pepper's request, and I thought I did, but they think otherwise.

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