3. Pointe Shoes

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POV: Grace

"That left me with more questions than answers," I set my knives down that I had been throwing at a dart board and look over at Tony who is sitting at his suit, working on it. It has been three weeks since I had tried to kill Steve. He and Natasha are both in Washington D.C., Thor was back on Asgard, Clint is where ever he goes, and Bruce is back at his home. Steve hasn't finished my room, and doesn't want me in it until it is done. That means I'm stuck with Tony. Not that I mind. The genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, (that is what he wants me to call him) and I have gotten extremely close. Tony told me he was surprised at how quickly I had grasped modern technology since it had taken Steve so long to understand it and still has issues. Then again, Steve is just an old man at heart.

Because Tony has been catching me up about technology and events in general, I've been trying to teach him Russian. So far all he wants to learn was curse words, but he's been learning simple phrases as well. He finds calling people names in a different language funny, as do I and have been eager to help him out.

In Tony's attempt to help me learn, well, everything, he had played 'We Didn't Start The Fire'. He has had all the time in the lab to fill me in, but truth be told, he doesn't know everything that has happened.

"Do not get me wrong," I begin, "Bill Joseph is a great singer but I am confused. For example who is Richard Nixon and what was Woodstock?" I sit down next to Tony in a AC/DC t-shirt I had found lying around (I'm pretty sure its Tony's) and a pair of leggings Natasha has given me. Most of my clothes were someone else's, but I don't mind.

Tony laughs quietly, "Richard Nixon was one of the presidents and Woodstock was a music festival for hippies with a lot of weed. And his name is Billy Joel, not Bill Joseph."

"What is weed?"

Tony's eyes widen and look at me, "Don't tell Steve I said that."

"сука." I walk over to one of the desks and pick up the book I had been reading, 'To Kill A Mockingbird'. When Pepper Potts learned about my love for books, she found lots of books for me to read in practically every genre. I find the Avenger comics amusing.

When I was about five chapters into the book, J.A.R.V.I.S starts to speak into the room, "Mr. Stark and Ms. Rogers, Ms. Potts has requested the two of you up for dinner."

"Tell Pepper we'll be up in a few minutes. I wanna show Grace something," Tony beckons me over to his suit. He shows me the improvements made. He added armor to where I had tried to stab him. I watch in amazement when Tony puts the suit on and flew a few feet into the air. He lands back on the ground and steps out of the suit. I still find it a little insane that a big hunk of metal could fly. I also know that the suit was more than some metal.

I circle the suit while Tony walks over to a holographic screen. I carefully lift up one of the gloves and look at the thruster in the center of the palm. I touch it gently, as if it would break from a small touch.

"You want a suit, kid?"

I turn to see Tony watching me. "I have a suit," I remind him. My black jumpsuit with holsters and pockets for all her weapons, complete with my red shoes.

"No, no, kid, I mean on of my suits. You, know an Ironman type suit." I feel honored, I truly do. I know Tony doesn't just go around handing out his suits. I don't want one, though. I know what I prefer to fight in. When you train as much as I have, you know what works best.

"No thanks. I'm too good of a fighter to be covered by a hunk of iron," I smirk.

"First of, it's titanium-gold alloy. Second, are you saying I'm a bad fighter?" He puts his hand to his chest in mock annoyance.

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