"You would've given up everything you knew for the woman you loved?" You asked curiously.

"Yes. She is one of the most beautiful people I've ever met, both inside and out. Much like you. That day that you fought Dooku you didn't even think you just jumped into action." Obi-Wan said and you chuckled and shook your head.

"Oh no. I did think... About how stupid what I was about to do was." You said and he laughed.

"Regardless you saved two lives that day. Anakin might not have met you yet, but I'm glad I did. I only wish that I could keep you in the 212th." Obi-Wan says honestly.

"Clone Force 99's commanding officer is Cody. I have a feeling we'll be seeing more of eachother in the future." You say and he smiles lightly at your words.

"Kyra and Jut are going to Kamino tomorrow." He tells you.

"Good, because Hunter and Crosshair want tattoos. I know the moment I get back they'll be showing them off to me." You tell him.

"Anyways I came in here talking of food. Shall we?" He asks and you nod.

"Yes because now I'm very hungry." You say with a chuckle. You put on your armor and make your way to the mess in comfortable silence with Obi-Wan. You sat down at a corner table with your trays and you looked at Obi-Wan curiously.

"So how do the Jedi rankings work?" You ask him.

"When a child is brought to the Temple they are younglings. Younglings are typically between the ages of 3 to 15. When old enough younglings are moved to padawan learners when they reach a certain age and are tested. They're then assigned to Masters who prepare them for the trials. When they pass the trials they become Jedi Knights. They will then be given the opportunity to teach a padawan, and when their padawan successfully passes the trials they become Masters." He says and takes a bite of his food.

"That's it?" You ask and he chuckles.

"You didn't let me finish. There are four governing councils within the order, and I am a part of the most important one. Jedi Masters who can make a name for themselves can become a part of one of these councils. The Council of First Knowledge, the Council of Reconciliation, the Council of Reassignment, and the Jedi High Council. Which I am a part of. There is still higher rankings when you move through the High Council. That is the Master of the Order and the person who leads the High Council. Then you have the Grand Master of the entire Jedi Order." He finishes speaking and continues eating. You wait for a moment to see if he'll continue but he doesn't.

"That's alot to go through in one normal lifetime." You say and he waves it off.

"Being a Jedi isn't easy. It is oftentimes too difficult for Knights to become Masters." He says and you become confused by this.

"Why? If their padawans pass properly it shouldn't be an issue." You say.

"It's more along the lines that Knights don't particularly want to teach the next generation. Or padawans decide to part with the order for one reason or another." Obi-Wan says and you push a piece of chicken around in your soup.

"It must be difficult for those padawans. Walking away from the only life they've ever known like that." You say and he nods. His com starts blinking and he answers it.

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