A letter?

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Attempts to get closer to Messi ended after Leo rudely told Ney not to come near with congratulations after successfully scoring the decisive goal because of "being to loudly".Ney realized that there was no need to try anymore, there was no point so as no point to say about his feelings. At first, it was very difficult for Ney to stay away from his loved one, but over time it became easier. He began to pay more attention to his "girlfriend", stopped staring at #nemessy art for hours and stopped talking about the team(Obviously ,about Leo of course)and hanging out with teammates. It seemed that life was getting better.

Dani's birthday was coming up, on this occasion there was a party in the cottage, where all the team members were invited. Ney came without a girlfriend, she had night work,she is a nurse . everything was fine. They heard a knock at the door. Dani opened and Leo appeared on the threshold. But not alone. He was with Antonella.

At this moment, the hysteria covered the guy with his head. He quickly disappeared into the bathroom, closing the door behind himself.He leaned with both hands on the sink and felt tears that treacherously flowed in a stream. Thoughts rushed about in Ney's head, not allowing him to focus on anything...
The guy realized that he would not calm down here in this bathroom and after writing an apologising message for Dani, he disappeared in the doorway.

Soon he was at home. A brilliant idea came to his mind, he understood that he could no longer hide his feelings, but he also had no right to say if he doesn't want to become an enemy to his teammates and also his loved one... That's when the idea came to write a letter for Leo. He wasn't sure yet whether he would send this letter, but he definitely would write it. After recovering a little, he sat down on the sofa and took in the a sheet of paper and a pen. Yes, it is so old-fashioned. But it is much easier to express feelings on paper than on a lifeless screen.

After a little thought, the guy began to write a letter, the content of which may move anyone to tears...Neymar also cried while writing.

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