Chapter 24: Unpredictable

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"An insult," I smirked and I watched his shoulders fall. "So what's your errand for today? It's my third time asking you this."

"Ohh, right. I'm not here for the elite 10. My work with them are over for today."

I raised an eyebrow. "It is?"

He nodded. "I'm here for you." My face crumpled to confusion. "I think I've finally made a dish to satisfy your palette!"

My mouth formed into an o and I laughed. "And here I thought it was something that's such a big deal for you to personally come to me."

"It is a big deal!" Eishi sheepishly rubbed his neck and with a low voice muttered, "At least for me."

I smiled softly. "Well, then what are we waiting for? Let's go."

He nodded and we went to his kitchen.


I sat down once Eishi placed a cooked Venison in front of me.

"Bon apetít!" He smiled proudly.

"Hmm," I started at his dish before looking up at him. "Say, why don't you describe your dish to me first, Eishi? I'll be a real judge today."

He smiled and nodded. "This is a Venison steak. I paired them with boiled potatoes and a special sauce I came up with last week. I call this dish, "Vin rouge épicé dans un steak de cerf."

"French? I studied French quite a bit when I was younger but I'm not sure if my comprehension skills have dimmed down now. What does it mean, senpai?" I placed my gaze onto the Venison steak and slowly sliced it before taking a bite.

"It means Spicy Red Wine in Venison Steak, Caterina." I smiled.

I was right.

I took one of the boiled potatoes and ate it. It was plain with a sweet tangy taste which I really liked. Then, I dipped the steak onto the red sauce and tasted spiciness in another level.

The sauce is made of new red wine mixed with cornstarch to make it thicker with different spices such as garlic powder, cayenne powder, among others.

"This is delictable, Eishi." His eyes twinkled. He must've expected this dish to be pleasing to me.

I put the fork down. "But you're still missing something. You're closer to it yet so far for some reason."

He sighed. "I should've known. No matter, I won't stop 'till I make you a dish you'll enjoy."

"I wouldn't say I didn't enjoy it. This dish is different from the ones you normally make. They're more fun and unpredictable. If you continue cooking like this, you're bound to impress me with something."

I wiped my lips with the nearby wipes as I watch Eishi laugh, his pearly white teeth peeking. How handsome.

"That's the closest I've ever gotten to impress you and I only thought of that dish two days ago. May be I should be more unpredictable so you'll like me more?"

"Definitely not. you the way you are," I looked away, embarrassed of why I had said that. "I have to go. I still have a bit of ny homework left at home."

"Oh? I'll take you home then." He washed his hands and got a towel to try them.

"It's fine. I'll probably go by professor Jun's lab before I head home. I wanna see what Hayama-kun's got in store for tomorrow."

"You're quite close to this Hayama-kun, aren't you?" He finished drying his hands and looked away.

"Well, yes. He's an interesting boy once you've gotten to know him. I think you'll get along once you meet him." I opened the door.

"I highly doubt it," the white haired boy said and stared his blue obs that turned cold to my warm golden ones.

I felt a chill and butterflies in my stomach as he directly made eye contact with me and I was the first to pull my gaze away.

"I'll be going now, Eishi. You did great today. You...always do."

I went out of the kitchen but not before hearing him say, "Thank you for seeing my hard work and efforts, Caterina."

I closed the door and held onto my racing heart. What is going on?


I kind of rushed this chapter because I didn't want to get too much into the Autumn elections. After all, the focus of this story is between Tsukasa Eishi and my oc so...yeah.

I also haven't check proof this but I will soon. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Have a good day! <33

Kitchen Encounter (Tsukasa Eishi x OC)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat