"Is this why you two snuck out last night?" Enid said curiously.

"Pretty much, Wednesday and I went on a little date to the morgue, a few dead bodies nothing special really." I said looking up from the documents.

"Uhm, cute? and there are so many levels of ew in that statement, I don't know where to begin." Enid said unsure at the comment, thankful for her the mention of the word cute went unnoticed by the two as they were engrossed in their investigation.

"I need to get inside its head." Wednesday said.

"Discover any patterns or anomalies. I've already made a big discovery."

"Turns out all of the monster's victims have had body parts surgically removed."

"The first one a kidney, the second a finger..." Wednesday said giving images of the victims to Enid

"Wednesday, I don't feel..." Enid said as she was given more images of the victims.

Oh, I got a feeling that I know what's going to happen next as I put down the documents and prepared myself from catching Enid.

"Third a gall bladder and the bearded man from the meeting house, two toes." Wednesday said as she kept giving Enid more images of the victims

"Do you understand what this means? These murders aren't mindless." Wednesday said as Enid fainted, catching her as she was about to fall.

"He's collecting trophies like a seasoned serial killer. It's impressive, actually." Wednesday said as she was in her own thoughts.

"Yup, knew this was gonna happen" as I put Enid on her bed.

"Fetch the smelling salts...... Again." Wednesday said to Thing.

"Now then Wednesday I have an offer for you and I'm certain you won't deny it" I said to Wednesday making her look at me.

"Whatever it is, I have my doubt it will be a good offer" she said to me.

"You go to the Rave'N with m-" I said only for Wednesday to cut me off.

"No" she said with a glare

"Now hold on just a moment and let me finish my offer" I said before continuing. "You go to the Rave'N with me and I'll build you a useful tool for the investigation" I said to Wednesday hearing my offer was thinking about it.

"How about this, I'll go with you to the Rave'N and I get to ask whatever question I want, No limits." Wednesday said bargaining with me.

"Alright, It's a date" I said while clapping my hands together. "Any preferences for your tool?"

"Something that will let me go by unnoticed" Wednesday suggested

"Alright, consider it done, also we've got Thornhill's class sometime later, so we should wake up Enid." I said

(Another TimeSkip who would've expected that)

Here we are again, sitting in the greenhouse where Thornhill is explaining the differences between multiple plants.

"While most plants reward their pollinators with sweet nectar, many carnivorous varieties turn to sexual trickery or deception."
"The orchid produces a pheromone that mimics a female insect, luring the males in."
"Now, once the plant is pollinated, what do the male insects get in exchange?" Thornhill asked the class

"Nada. Just like all the guys at the Rave'N." Bianca said making the other students laugh.

"Okay, okay. I know you're all excited about Saturday, which is why I haven't assigned any homework." Thornhill said as the rest of the class cheered at the absence of homework.

Woe and Time (Wednesday x Male Time lord Reader)Where stories live. Discover now