Woe What a Night

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A/N. Hey, how you guys doing, hope you're doing well, I'll get straight to the point. I never expected people to read my silly stories, but it seems my self-doubt is once again proven wrong. I still can't believe that the story reached the 1k, honestly didn't see that coming, anyway I've held you up long enough. Once again thank you and remember take care of yourself and be kind. Until the next time, *POOF*

So here we are waiting for thing to open the door it took a while, but Thing eventually opened it.

"Now then, this should be fun" I said moving inside.

"While we do the autopsy, you find the files of the monster's other victims and make copies." Wednesday said to Thing as he starts tapping loudly.

"Don't pout. Your scalpel skills are questionable."

"Do you remember my 13th birthday, when Uncle Fester gave me that cadaver?"

"You sliced right through that man's carotid." Wednesday said making Thing accept her reasoning and go to the room for the files.

"No." as Wednesday went through the different lockers searching for the latest victim of the monster

"No. Magnificent hematoma."

"There you are." Wednesday said as she grabbed a recorder and described the body.

"Thursday, 7:23 p.m. The body is that of a 50-year-old male."

"Lacerations and defensive wounds appear on both hands."

"What remains of the chest and torso indicates a frenzied attack."

"Subject has been almost entirely disembowelled."

"This is curious."

"Subject's left foot is missing."

"It appears to have been chewed off at the ankle."

"Have you seen a left foot anywhere?" Wednesday asked me.

"Uhm, Nope" I said looking around not finding the foot, but we were interrupted by Thing who started to franticly tap.

"Calm down. Who's coming?"

"Oh dear." I said as Wednesday entered the..... refrigerator? If that's the word for it, while I went to the other room where the files were stored. Now I hope no one enters this room.

I heard the doors open, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. After a few minutes I heard the door close, but I could still hear the muffled voice of someone else inside of the mortuary. Thankfully whoever it was left the building and didn't enter the little office space, so I made my way back to Wednesday and opened the door.

"Good Evening" I said to her.

"Five more minutes. I was just getting comfortable." She said to me.

"Alright, see you in a few" as I closed the door and waited, while Thing continued with the documents.

(TIMESKIP!! I sort of forgot these things existed :p)

So, here we are in Wednesday and Enid their dorm hanging up the board with the evidence we've found.

"When I suggested giving your side of the room a makeover, I did not have Ted Bundy's Pinterest in mind." Enid said to Wednesday making her turn to Enid

"Still not as creepy as your stuffed unicorn collection." Wednesday said to Enid returning to the board.

"I once met a unicorn when I was doing some travelling, they're pretty intelligent creatures. I had some fascinating conversations with them" I said while reading the documents.

Woe and Time (Wednesday x Male Time lord Reader)Where stories live. Discover now