Wednesday's Child Is Full of Woe

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Third Person POV
This journey starts with the transfer of Wednesday Addams who is currently sitting with her family in the office of Principal Weems.

Wednesday POV

"Wednesday is certainly a unique name. I'm guessing it was the day you were born?" Weems commented on the name.

"I was born on Friday the 13th." Wednesday replied with her usual monotone voice.

"Her name comes from a line from my favourite nursery rhyme, "Wednesday's child is full of woe." Her mother Morticia explained

"You always had a unique perspective on the world, Morticia." Weems responded with a bit of a mocking tone in her voice.

"Did your mother tell you we were roommates back in the day?" Weems said with a slight smile on her lips.

"And you graduated with your sanity intact?" Wednesday responded while keeping her eyes on Weems.

"You've certainly had a very interesting educational journey, eight schools in five years." Weems said while Gomez nodded in amusement.

"They haven't built one strong enough to hold me, I bet this place won't be any different." Wednesday said while her father hastily responded to Weems.

"What our daughter is trying to say is that she greatly appreciates the opportunity." Gomez said to Principal Weems.

"Nevermore doesn't usually accept students mid-term, but given Wednesday's perfect grades and your family's long history with the school, I've spoken with the board and we've made an exception." Weems said with a smile on her face

Weems was about to continue, but was interrupted when a boy barged through the door, surprised everyone looked towards this peculiar boy.

"Ah, Mr. L/N I presume. How very nice for you to join us, I'm pretty sure it said in your letter of acceptance that you were supposed to arrive 30 minutes ago.." Weems said with a bit of a snarky tone to her voice.


"Ah Yes, That is indeed correct, but I can explain the reason for why I arrived so late." Y/N L/N responded hastily while trying to think of a quick and reasonable lie.

"Do enlighten me with your explanation" Weems said with a look of doubt on her face.

"I arrived late, because.... There actually was an accident on the side of the road, a collision between two cars, so the road actually was blocked off by the authorities and that only got resolved around 40 minutes ago" he said while trying not to show any signs of it being a lie on his face.

As Y/N looked towards Principal Weems, she showed no signs of being amused by this 'explanation' and sighed.

"That doesn't sound very believable now does it" the boy said to Weems while looking her in the eyes.

"No, not very believable, but explanation aside, what matters now is that you're here so take a seat and I'll continue" Weems got the feeling that this was going to be a long day and she was correct.

"So, Mr. L/N it says here that you've had 10 schools in the past 3 years" Weems read out loud. She continues reading.
"It also says here that you've been interrupting the lessons saying that you have more knowledge of the school subjects than the other teachers, while also experimenting with dangerous chemicals not allowed on school grounds" Weems said while looking at the boy with a look of disbelief.

"That is correct, well partially correct, I haven't been saying that I have more knowledge on the subjects, I know for a fact that my knowledge is superior compared to the teachers at the previous schools and the chemicals weren't that dangerous, well most of them weren't" He said to the Principal while the ego of the boy was slightly showing.

Principal Weems was slowly starting to think that this boy was more then eccentric and only had the feeling that the boy was going to be a troublesome one.

"Moving on, I've assigned you to your mother's old dorm, Ophelia Hall" Weems informed Wednesday

Wednesday looked at her mother and asked.
"Refresh my memory, Ophelia's the one who kills herself after being driven mad by her family, correct?"

Weems was about to continue only to be interrupted by Y/N.

"Ah, That's what people think, but actually she did it all as an act of revenge towards those that wronged her, she was also quite a good painter and pretty good at tending to the garden, but she was a feisty one if you got on her bad side.... My lord what a woman that was" Y/N explained with a smile, the boy only failed to notice the strange looks he was getting from everyone in the room.

Wednesday proceeded to tell the boy what everyone in the room was thinking.
"You tell that story like you were actually there, you sound like a madman to me" Wednesday said while still looking at the eccentric boy.

Y/N looked at Wednesday with a serious look on his face and proceeds to tell her.
"What make you think I'm not some sort of madman?" the boy showing a slight smirk on his face.

"Ahem" Weems cleared her throat to bring the attention back to herself once more.
"As I was saying you'll be assigned to your mother's old down, unfortunate for you Mr. L/N it appears we don't have any dorms available in the male dormitory, so you'll have to be assigned to the Ophelia Hall dorm as well, lucky for you there is an empty storage room that isn't being used anymore" As Weems finished her sentence both Wednesday and Y/N showed confusion, expect Wednesday was better at hiding it than Y/N.

Y/N eyes widened, only for him to quickly recompose himself and asked why, but he realized that it was probably due to his late transfer that was the cause of him being placed in a storage room.

"Principal Weems, is this because of me being transferred mid-term isn't it" Y/N said with a neutral expression on his face. Only to be completely ignored by the Principal.

"Should we go meet your new roommate?" Weems said to Wednesday with a smile on her face.

(Insert Scene Transition Here)

As Morticia enters the room she gasps at the bright colours of the room
"It's so... vivid" Gomez said as everyone entered the room.

"Howdy, roomie." Enid said as she looked at Wednesday with a smile.

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