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-Third Person-

Alex walked in on his room after accompanying Lea on her own. His attention was immediately caught by the box of cake on his dining table. He approached it and looked everywhere in the box if there was a card so that he can thank whoever gave that to him. Unfortunately, there's none so he just gave a glimpse at what's inside and found that it's a chocolate cake.

"This is just perfect! We didn't have any desserts and this will perfectly suffice." He murmured to himself.

He immediately changed his clothing into a white sando and black shorts then he carried the box out of his room. His room is quite near to Lea's so he wasn't that tired when he came. He knocked three times before Lea opened the door.

"You again?" With a very perplexed look, Lea asked. She's currently in her bathrobe but she couldn't care more. Alex has seen every bit of her body; he just can't remember.

He was stunned for a sec before he could even answer. "Y-Yes. Someone gave this chocolate cake kasi to me and I had to share it or else I'll be the only one enjoying it. I don't want to live sa cr naman."

"Oh! That's so nice of him or her naman. Anyway, I'm really craving chocolate cake and you're at the right time. Come in!" Lea opened the door wide enough for Alex.

"A-Are you sure?" He looked at her from head to toe.

"Are you bothered by this? Because I am not." She told him while observing her body. "Are you going or not?" She invited him once again and he knows that she could really close this door even though she was craving.

"You'll get used to it, Alex." He whispered to himself before going inside.

Upon entering, he immediately placed the box on her dining table and then opened it. He didn't even wait for Lea, he already brought the cake out. Less Lea=less temptation. Lea took the initiative to get a knife, plates and utensils then she handed them over to Alex.

"Thank you very much!" Alex said enthusiastically trying not to think about her, then he sliced the cake into 8 partitions. He places one slice on each plate.

"Please give me 2." She begged Alex

"But that's too much carbs..." He protested.

Lea chuckled, "What? You're a health guru now? Give me that!" She snatched the knife from Alex then grabbed another slice and placed it on her plate. She even flipped her hair when she turned her back on Alex. He only laughed.

She settles down on the couch to watch a movie, and he followed her with his plate, too.

"What do you want to watch?" She asks.

"Anything scary would be nice." He smiles to himself. He has his own plans in his mind. The plan is that when things get really fucked up in the movie, he will get the chance to finally be a human pillow to her.

"Are you sure about that?" The very puzzled Lea faces him and asks him one last time.

"Yeps!" He is so sure of himself. At the beginning of the movie, there's a big gap between the two of them. Lea told him to move closer to her which he gladly obliged.

They were both peacefully eating a cake not until the building of the climax is already starting. Little by little, Alex is moving towards Lea. No, he's not making a move. He is actually scared. Lea's glancing at him because she knows how much he hates horror movies.

Alex quickly finishes his cake then he picks up a pillow to somehow cover his eyes. "Why didn't you tell me that it was THIS scary?"

"This is new to me also, Alex. How would I know?" Lea is holding her laughter because of Alex. "Do you want to stop watching it?"

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