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They sing happy birthday to future and everyone goes back to their seats

"Alright megan I told you I'm not done with yall" Cardi said

"Dude I already told you we not fucking" Megan responded

"ant ant Ian asking that y'all talk? dating? getting to know each other? y'all clearly got something going on" Cardi said

"No seriously Megan it's so obvious" Normani said as Jt and Miami look on

"How??" Megan

"Megan" Normani said with a "be serious" look on her face

"What???!!" Megan responded

"You were in his car we seen it he was at your house we seen it" Normani continued

"Wait a minute he was at your house??" Jt said

"wait a minute I missed that part shaderoom must've missed that" Miami said

"THE HOUSE" Cardi said

"NORMANI" Megan said

"Oops sorry sister" Normani said

"So y'all are fucking cuz why was he at your house" Cardi

" no he just stayed the night in the guess room cuz when we got back from the club it was 4am" Megan said

"Why she don't want us to know she fucking him so bad?" Jt said

"Cuz Megan don't like people in her business" Megan responded

"We just gone leave you alone" Cardi said

"Thank you my goodness felt like I was being interrogated" Megan said as she gets up to go back with Future

They finish the night with a few more shots dancing rapping

Megan left the party with Future because he brought her there


Her and Future head outside to head into the sprinter

"HEYY Winnie" Megan says as she sees Winnie Harlow leaving  the party

"Hey girl" she responds as she runs to give her a hug

Normani Cardi Jt and Miami walk up to Megan to say bye and Future talks to his homeboys

"Soo y'all came together in matching outfits and leaving together" Cardi said

"Ohh Cardi don't start" Normani said

"Ok I'm done" she smiles and they all lean in to hug Megan photographers and paparazzi record and snap pictures of the moment

"Megan come on" he said

"Girl yo man calling you" Miami said

"Omg can y'all shut up" Megan said

"Megan" Future yelled as he begins to walks over Megan clueless still chitchatting

He grabs her and and says "come on the driver here"

"Happy Birthday again Future" a few people yell as they walk hand and hand into the sprinter

"Thank you bro" Future yelled out as people yell their names excited to see their favorite rappers

They get in the sprinter and Megan falls asleep on his shoulder he recorded her slumped over and posted it on ig he thought it was funny

What he said in the video: she done jumped all around the party and talked to everyone now she knocked out

They make it to his house and he nudge's Megan to wake up

Over You x Megan Thee Stallion Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now