Chapter 14: Confrontations of the Heart.

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When they arrived at the Urahara shop, Karin and Yuzu found themselves in a bone-breaking hug from Isshin, the man bawling his eyes out at how his precious angels were almost hurt and that he was just glad that they were safe now. Karin had wanted to sock him for his theatrics, but seeing Yuzu just as teary-eyed, she resigned herself to being hugged to death. Not long afterwards, the rest of the Soul Reapers, as well as the Visoreds, arrived and Kisuke had turned it all into one big party for them all.

Yuzu had quite enthusiastically offered to help cook and had walked off with Tessai, Hachi and Ururu as they worked away making all sorts of snacks for everyone present.

Karin had gotten into an argument with Jinta, who had gotten into an argument with Renji, after which the entire thing seemed to devolve into a brawl between Hiyori, Shinji, Renji, Rukia and Kisuke. Yoruichi and Rangiku had broken out the sake, much to Toshiro's frustration and were now drinking with Lisa, Love and Rose.

Uryu, Chad and Tatsuki were still discussing what had happened with the Sinners and what the hell the other guy was and what he could do, moreover they wanted to know why he was there.

Isshin had gone about the room enthusiastically thanking everyone for their part in rescuing his daughters, before reverting back to his usual self and acting as if Rukia was his third daughter. Such acts quickly led him to become involved in the brawl, which was now at least below them in the underground training area. Sighing to herself, Karin slid open the back door and stepped out into the cool night air, sitting down on the porch as she looked up at the starry expanse above her. Hearing the sliding door open behind her, she turned to see that Toshiro had come to join her.

"The rest of them getting on your nerves too?" he asked, sitting down next to her.

"Yeah," she muttered, turning back to look at the stars again. "That and I just wanted some peace and quiet to think."

"About Ichigo right? If it's about him shouting at you, it's not because of anything you did, but just because he can't be around you at the moment," he said, guessing what was bothering her.

"It's not that, well maybe it's a bit of that," she replied, turning to face him now. "It's just…here we are with everyone and they're all glad that we're okay and asking us if we're hurt physically or emotionally, offering us a shoulder to cry on if we need it and the reassurances that we're safe now. We're all just…having a good time together."

He watched her, wondering where she was going with this, since apart from the unwanted attention and some of the more annoying habits of the others, such an event should be considered enjoyable for everyone in attendance.

"It just makes me think, what's Ichi-nii doing right now? I mean he was hurt just as badly as the rest of us if not more and I felt that he was in real emotional pain just being near us. But he's not here with us, so who's there to heal his pain? Who's there to keep him safe and offer him support? Who's there to celebrate with him?"

Comprehension dawned on him now; she was worried more about what Ichigo was going through, rather than what she herself had just gone through. Thinking about it, the majority of the soul reapers that Ichigo was friends with were here in the Living World keeping his sisters safe and of those he knew back in the Soul Society, he didn't know much about the former Captain Commander and his relationship with Ichigo. Gin he really had no idea about, Sui-Feng seemed concerned for some reason when she berated them earlier. Unohana was a caring person, but was she the person Ichigo needed right now? He and Byakuya rarely ever saw eye-to-eye. Kyoraku and Ukitake had shown a liking for him, but honestly he couldn't see Ichigo hanging out with them. Nor could he see either Kenpachi or Mayuri providing good company to him.

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