Chapter 1: The Sorrow of Two Souls.

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It was the dawn of a new age for the soul reapers. The Winter War was over; Aizen was defeated by the substitute soul reaper Ichigo Kurosaki, who had gained tremendous power in order to battle evenly with the man who would be god. The effects of said battle were felt across the dimensions as two titans of unfathomable power fought with the sole intent of destroying one another. When the standing forces of the Gotei 13 and its allies had arrived on the battlefield, it was to find enough blood to paint the town red, mountains had been reduced to dust; the ground itself was filled with numerous smoking craters that resembled dried up lakes. They found the substitute standing tall over his opponent hideous gashes marring his young body. His opponent was less lucky though as Ichigo had unleashed the full fury of his soul on the madman. The Hogyoku's current status was unknown as both the Captain Commander and Ichigo remained tight lipped on its location.

Miraculously the soul reapers had suffered no losses, only grievous injuries to some individuals. In the aftermath though, such horrific wounds were healed by the duo of Captain Retsu Unohana and the spiritually gifted human Orihime Inoue. After a week of clean-up and mourning, the soul reapers at last had time to celebrate their victory. An event organised by the Soul Reaper Women's Association (SWA) had led to an evening of mirth and content for those individuals that attended. The holdouts were Ichigo Kurosaki, the hero of the Winter War himself and Captain Commander Yamamoto. The Captain Commander watched in frustration as his remaining arm shook uncontrollably and he felt a wave of exhaustion threaten to make him pass out for the first time ever. Standing from his desk he made his way slowly to the main senkaimon, intent on making the trip to Karakura while he could.


Ichigo Kurosaki was currently standing with his mentors Kisuke Urahara and Yoruichi Shihoin in the back room of the Urahara shop, a grim expression on his face as he stood before his body. Recalling how humans could not maintain their form within Aizen's presence, there was a fear as to how his body would react to containing his soul form. As he took a breath to steady himself, Ichigo attempted to phase into his body as he had done countless times before. What hadn't happened before though was the minute that Ichigo came in contact with his body; it had begun to dissipate before his very eyes, turning to dust. He fell to his knees as the realisation struck home that he could no longer interact safely with any human being in the real world. There hadn't seemed to be a problem since he had been able to carry his father with him and not kill the man and his friends did not fade away at his presence. Yet here and now the first human body he came in contact with and it had faded away.

Urahara's expression was grim as he watched the young teenager before him while Yoruichi was saddened at the fate of the boy, who she considered a son and favourite pupil. It was simply not fair that his reward for saving the world was to be forced to abandon the life he sought to protect.

"Ichigo," Yoruichi said as she reached down to grip his shoulder. When he didn't respond, she looked desperately at her lover and friend for any hope that he might be able to help.

Looking her in the eye, Kisuke shook his head as he knew that no gigai he could create would be able to contain Ichigo's wild power if his own body could not. Sighing to himself, he walked up to the boy's other shoulder and clasped it as well, knowing the best they could do now was at least comfort the boy.

"Sorry Urahara-san, Yoruichi-san, but can you leave me alone for a few minutes. I'll be in the underground training area so I won't be far away," Ichigo said as he stood their hands slipping off his shoulders as he did so. He unbuckled Tensa Zangetsu from his hip where it had stayed permanently since the battle, unable to be sealed again and placed it down on the table as he descended the ladder. A minute later they heard the sound of crumbling rock as Ichigo released his rage upon the environment.

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