So, that morning he walked up to the blonde in complete confidence, even if her best friend stood right next to her at all times.

"Good morning, Nicole." He greeted, shyly.

The girl, having been distracted by grabbing books out of her locker, quickly turned to face the shy boy, "oh, good morning!"

"Hey, Steve." He quickly shot a smile at the other boy, which he gladly shot back.

"Hey, man."

"Um, could i um.. walk you to class?" Michael asked as he shifted his attention back toward Nicole.

She quickly looked at her best friend, silently giving a look that said 'I'll see you around', and turned back to Michael, "yeah, of course."

"Did you enjoy last night?" The brunette led the conversation, his arm gently snaking across the girls shoulders.

"Yeah, I really did. My mom did ask where I got the soup and flowers from and I had to tell her someone dropped them off." She giggled, placing her body closer to his own.

"Oh, so I'm just a somebody?" The boy lightly joked, smirking down at the now blushing girl.

"N-no! Not like that, my dad was there. He would freak, I swear. You'll have to meet them eventually."

Michael laughed loudly, "I was playing around. We'll have to schedule something for your parents, though."

"For sure." A gentle nod shook his arm.

"Listen, there's a small get together going on at Vickie's. I know that's not your crowd but.. I was wondering if you'd come. I'd be your smokin' hot date, obviously." His curly hair bounced as he shook his body at his last words, hand cascading down it to show off.

"I don't know.." Nicole let out a gentle sigh.

She wanted to say yes, that she would go, but she didn't want a night full of torment.

"Listen, I can't promise on anybody else's behalf, but I can try my hardest to be sure no body messes with you tonight. I just want to share my fun with you." She stopped their bodies as they stood outside of her classroom, and he faced his body toward her petite one, grabbing her hands in his own.

The blonde bit her lip as she decided on her answer.

"Okay. I'll come, but I'm going to be your smoking hot date."

Michael let out a low chuckle, his head dipping down to place a small kiss upon her cheek, "yeah you are."

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

The pair decided that Michael would pick Nicole up at around 7. It wasn't going to be a late thing, supposedly only casual drinking and some games. Nicole was sort of glad that it wasn't supposed to be a huge thing, because that always led to some issues being held.

Still though, she had to keep to her promise to Michael and show out with her outfit. So, though there was a slight chill with it being November, she wore a black turtle neck, tucked into a light wash denim skirt and some black boots.  She didn't change her morning makeup, except for adding a bit of lipgloss to compliment her mascara and she quickly brushed out her hair so it looked more neat.

Nicole heard the rumble of tires and peeked out her window to see Michael's car just out front. So, she quickly ran down the stairs to bud her goodbyes to her parents, before they would be meeting the boy.

"I'm heading out, I'll be home later, i love you!" She quickly jumbled out.

"What time will you be home?" Amanda questioned, giving her daughter a pointed look.

"I promise not late, I'm just hanging out with a few friends from school." She quickly explained, heading toward the door.

"Curfew is 10:30. Don't forget." Paul quickly added and with a roll of her blue eyes, out the door Nicole went.

"Hey pretty lady." Michael greeted, opening the passenger door.

"Hey, you." She let out a small giggle, and as she sat in the car she couldn't help but shift her vision over to 4819 Cherry Lane.

The bright blue Camaro was no where to be found, and that caused a sinking feeling in her stomach.

.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

It was a short drive to Vickie's, since she didn't live too far from Cherry Lane. During the car ride Nicole was able to take a look at the boy and notice that he looked incredibly good. His hair was a bit messier than it had been at school, he wore a black button up that had the first few top buttons un-buttoned, tucked into a pair of light wash straight leg jeans and his black converse on.

It was funny to Nicole how they somehow managed to unintentionally match, which of course she pointed out.

They walked into the big house hand in hand, immediately going toward the back yard area because that's where Vickie was holding the get together. As they neared the group the chatter got louder and louder. Some of the boys noticed Michael and greeted him with a small fist bump, sometimes dapping the boy up. Nicole didn't get many greets, which she was fine with.

She knew this wasn't her crowd.

The only thing she wasn't expecting was to see Billy Hargrove among the people. She must've missed the car as they walked in, but it only made the sinking feeling worse. After last night, she didn't particularly want to see the blonde boy. Especially not with Michael, because she could only guess the rumors he could spread about them to attempt to ruin their newfound relationship.

"I didn't know you'd be bringin' someone." Tommy spoke to Michael, eyes shifting toward the pair of hands.

"Didn't know I'd have to run it by you, Tom. Vickie was cool with it." The boy quickly snapped back, ending the conversation right then and there.

"I'm going to go find the bathroom, I'll be right back." Nicole quickly smiled at the boy before leaving to find the whereabouts of the restroom.

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