Chapter III: Helga Jenkins

Start from the beginning

" 'ow fitting." Farris mumbled before walking away. Blair rolled her eyes before handing the books to the boy, noticing a herbology book on top.

"Sorry bout her, not all of us are big headed." Blair commented making the boy smile nervously. "Herbology, right? That's an interesting subject. We have something similar but not much in the magical sense."

"You don't have herbology at your school? I couldn't imagine not having it. The plants are the best- a necessity really to most wizarding life. Like Mandrake root for potions.." The boy nervously ranted with interest.

"I wish I could take it. I'm Blair- Blair Willard." She introduced as Terry walked up to join them. "And this prank next to me is Terrance Readings." She added, earning a nudge from said boy. The Hogwarts boy looked over at Terry before grinning back at Blair.

"I-I'm Neville Longbottom." He introduced, causing Terry to snort slightly.

"That's an odd name. You'd fit right in with us, Neville. Blair here is the oddest of us all. I'm mostly around her to keep her in line." Terry joked throwing his arm around the unexpecting Neville.

"Why don't you- uh neither of you have a French accent.." Neville questioned, a bit shocked at the arm around him as he awkwardly lowered himself to be more at Terry's height.

"A'm zorry? I 'o not under'tan." Blair spoke with a straight face, her eyes sparkling in amusement. Neville blushed as he grinned.

"Blair and I live with her very British parents." Terry explained. "They actually all came here for school."

"Really? What house were they in?" Neville asked excitedly.

"Um, well two of my dads were Gryffindors, the dad who made me was a Slytherin and my mum was a Hufflepuff." Blair listed off with a glance towards the boy. People usually pulled away from her at the mention of three dads. It was an odd thing in the nineties.

"Really? I'm a Gryffindor. Not that I think I fit in properly. I'm not really all that brave at all-" Neville explained before pausing. "Does your school have houses?"

"No, we are separated by age." Blair told him as she smiled. "Collège is for the eleven to fourteen year olds and lycée is for fifteen to eighteen. We're both lycée." She continued to explain.

"That's interesting. I couldn't imagine being in the same rooms as some of these others- Draco Malfoy and his friends are awful!" Neville muttered, his hand going to his hair to run through it. Blair raised her eyebrow at him as Terry bit his lip to hold in a laugh.

"Draco?" Blair questioned, Neville nodding slowly. "That's my cousin." Terry let out a snort as the color drained from Nevilles face.

"Don't let her get to you, Neville. She hasn't seen Draco in years- Or since Summer break."

"I saw him over the summer. He finally learned how to leave his hair alone." Blair thought out loud.

"Ms. 'I'll are and Mr. 'Eadings, come along." An older student prefect ordered, herding the students together to prepare for their entrance. Blair sighed looking back to Neville.

"It was nice meeting you, Neville. And don't worry bout my cousin. If he causes you any trouble, just let me know."

"Now." The French student ordered with a glare.

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