"Y/n, there's no need to ask..." His thumb rubbed against your jawline as he leaned his head down, his eyes already signaling where he was going. You squeezed your eyes shut in anticipation, either that or fear, more nervous as you felt soft skin against your lips. After so long and so many pining moments of staring at them until your gaze burned into them. His lips were on your own, no forehead or cheek kisses, lips together. The most effective way to show romantic intimacy between 2 individuals, and Chan was showing it right now. Your mind went blank, all you could think about was him, his incredibly sweet skin melting against yours as you put your arms around his neck, pushing and kissing back, wanting him more. Plump and soft, sweet beyond belief as they blended against yours. You wanted so badly to taste him, to feel him under your palms, inside of you. That's all your mind contained in the 10 seconds of heaven he gave you. Only leaving you wanting more, heart full and body empty.

Chans voice rang in your ear, pulling you into a soft hug, delicate like you were a fragile flower petal. "You can steal these kisses anytime."

"Channie, you always seem to know what to do to make me feel better..." You put your arms around him and sigh, softly tugging at your lips. It was insane to you, you could almost still taste him on you, you knew it was your mind, but it was something you always wanted to taste.

"That's just because I know you so well." He pulls his arms back and trails your jaw with his hand, using his index and middle finger to lift your chin up, making you swallow hard. You saw the blush on his cheeks, and you could feel some start to form on your own. But it made you feel better that he wasn't all confident, the opposite infact. He was absolutely freaking out, not wanting to seem too pushy yet wanting to slowly give you affection. Luckily it was working.

"So how're we going to do this? You're famous, I could- we could never-" You scrunched your eyebrows and tightly crossed your arms, the most you had was a vague idea of what they were, but any famous person getting into a relationship was dangerous. Everything that had happened to you was eventually going to be revealed. It terrified you.

"What do you mean how? We were us since Valentines day." He laid his forehead against yours and sighed with a smile, his skin against yours giving you comfort. His words made you laugh, putting your hands folded up against his chest.

"No one has to know, kissing is all it is. We're not dating..." You giggled and kissed to tip of his nose, you would be lying if you said it didn't hurt you to say that. You liked Chan a lot, loved him even. But you also liked Han and Changbin just as much, and shared a whole lot of affection towards everywhere member despite what they thought of you. The thought of dating him surface level was amazing, there was no doubt that he's perfect boyfriend material. But thinking of the look on the members faces when they found out breaks your heart, the feelings they harbored towards you, platonic or otherwise, would be changed the instant they found out. So as much as you wanted to, right now there was no way you could date him, any of them, but this you could settle with.

"Of course, just kisses...that I can't get enough of." Chan smiled and let out a tiny laugh, rubbing your back softly. Suddenly, the air around you both got a whole lot warmer as he continued to hold you, your eyes felt heavier to open, and you put in effort to keep them open. Body relaxing in his arms as you let out a yawn, hiding your face in his chest.

"C'mon, crash in my bed tonight, Minho won't mind." Chan took notice and ran his fingers through your hair, brushing the hair out of your face as you had a tiny smile on your lips. But it quickly faded, as he turned you around. And you got a look st the sleeping Minho in his bed. He looked cute, mouth softly agape and his breathing being barely being audible from where you guys stood. He was sprawled out under his blanket, hair laid on his pillow in every direction, some strands poking straight up. It was a childish sort of cuteness, only furthering the list of reasons why getting into a relationship with a member wouldn't work.

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