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"Im not going to let some stupid rank determine my worth."


In the misty woods of the mountains, a unidentified entity clothed in a large, black, sulky cloak that covered most of its face only leaving its mouth uncovered. The unknown stranger held an envelope, as they looked up to see a small cabin ahead.

"So this is where the place is? Looks cozy." the stranger seemed to have a masculine tone as he spoke, walking closer to the cabin door. the unknown entity then knocked three times, alerting two others inside "Hello? Anyone in here?"

"I'll be at the door in a second!" he heard a grudgey, old voice answer to his calls assuming an elderly man. The stranger heard footsteps walking towards the door, he heard multiple locks being open. However, the stranger felt off almost like something wasn't right.

Grabbing the sheath of his sword, he gripped it harder as he heard the last lock being open. The envelope fell on the piles of snow but the male didn't notice the snow covering it completely. The door was unlocked to reveal a rather tall, slender yet muscular build, a strange looking mask worn by the person and a cloud-patterned jinbei kimono.

"It's so late out on these mountains, not to mention it's so high up here. You must've come looking specifically for here," the cloud-patterned kimono followed his movement as he got closer to the stranger "What are you here for? The only thing we have is tea inside."

"I didn't travel three full days on foot for a little tea party." the stranger bluntly told the taller individual.

"So, what have you come before me for?"

"I'm looking for someone named Sakonji Urokodaki. I've heard rumors and little background knowledge to know he was here in this very small cabin." the stranger examined the other infront of him, suspicious slightly.

"Sakonji Urokodaki? You must have the wrong place."

"I am very certain with the information some slayers gave me, he was located here." the masked man lowered his head a little, the stranger felt the bad feeling from earlier coming closer.

"Before I even reveal the slightest of details, I would need your name. Quite rude to want to come all the way up here for a little information without saying who you are." the stranger grumbled as he pulled of the hoodie of his cloak, revealing his midnight blue eyes with diamond irises and his fluffy-messy snowy hair.

"Names Himeno Saiyuki, may I ask what's yours?"

"Matthew Hemmons."

Saiyuki raised an eyebrow in confusion, raising suspicion on the elderly man before him.

"That sounds like a foreign name, doesn't it? We live far into the Japan region so where do you come from?" the cloudy-kimono man didn't know answer but then footsteps ran from behind the stranger. 

Saiyuki gripped his katana on the right side of his waist as the man leaning on the door reached for his own katana. The two prepare for battle when a rock was thrown at the back of Saiyuki's head, making his vision blurry for a split second for Urokodaki to slice a piece of the males back heel.

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