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We continued on the journey to complete the Pokédex for professor oak. Red had caught me a psyduck along our travels, since I didn't have as many Pokémon as he did.

Red had managed to reel it in with his new fishing rod, which he'd gotten from the brother of the man who'd given him the old rod. In fuchsia city, he managed to earn himself a soul badge as well, along with his rainbow badge earlier won.

Charmeleon evolved as well, and once again ivysaur wasn't far behind. Vulpix had yet to evolve, though I had a firestone. And psyduck... well... I don't know what level psyduck is at yet.

We'd stopped outside silph. Co, red looking at the building in awe. "So this is the silph company?" He asked. "They make all kinds of things for Pokémon trainers." Blue's voice rang out, we both turned to see him approach.

"Gramps talks about them all the time." Blue added. The boys chatted, and I tapped red's shoulder. "Im gonna go stop by the mart, need anything?" I asked.

"Some potions and a few pokéballs would be great, thanks." Red smiled at me. Blue chuckled. "Awe, you're not running off because I'm too handsome, right?" He smirked, before red punched his shoulder and the two began to bicker.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

Having brought vulpix for company, the fox walked at my side contentedly. I'd been thinking about evolving it, but I wasn't sure.

I'd bought what we needed and what red requested, before I headed to cut through an alleyway back to silph co., where red and blue were probably still squabbling.

A hand over my mouth caught me off guard and I dropped my bag. a pain to my head taking my consciousness away. I saw a brilliant flash as I blacked out.


"She's taking too long, let's go find y/n." Blue said, causing red to realize how long it had been. "For once, you're right." Red mumbled, getting off his bike and headed towards where y/n had gone.

Blue shook off his shock, which was replaced by anger. "I'm always right you little-"

When the duo arrived, they asked around the market. The store owner explained that the young girl had paid and left, leaving blue and red to investigate the nearby area.

In an alley, several trash cans were overturned. Scorch marks littered the area as officer jenny stood with a few officers.

"What's going on?" Red asked. Jenny turned. "Careful, this is a crime scene. Witnesses say they saw team rocket capture a girl, and haul her off to who knows where."

The two boys paled at this.

"What... what did she look like?" Blue choked out.

"H/l h/c hair with e/c eyes and s/c skin, wearing (outfit)."


I woke up to a throbbing headache, the yelling didn't help either. "YOU IDIOT, BOSS WANTED HER UNHARMED!" Someone screamed at another.

My hands were cuffed, leaving me unable to reach my bag. Lovely. "Shut up, She's waking up." Someone put a surprisingly gentle hand on my back, helping me sit up.

"Where... am I?" I rasped, looking around. It looked like we were in an office, I was on a couch in front of an important-looking desk.

"She's coherent, you're lucky. Go get boss." One barked to another. My vision cleared, and I could make out the uniforms they wore.

Team rocket.

I stood, stumbling slightly. "You're criminals!" I seethed. "Now now..." a new voice said. I turned to see a man in a suit, with a nod the grunt left and shut the door behind him.

He strolled forward with a persian at his side, which walked over to rub against my legs. I could see the team rocket logo on him too, he's one of them.

"That's no way to greet your godfather."

|𝙾𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚜| Red x Fem! Reader x BlueWhere stories live. Discover now