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Because for some reason I've been in the mood for more Jisung x anyone stray kids.

  I give you a Chansung Oneshot where Jisung is extra soft and loveable and Chan just doesn't know what to do but pamper him.


    Chan was always amazed at the duality of his boyfriend. How he could be hot one second but then cute the next. Or how he could be cute one second and a total crackhead the next.

   It always just amazed him.

It was amazing him right now. The night prior Jisung had been on stage growling into his mic and really hot. However today he was adorable. Absolutely adorable.

  Chan didn't even know what to do. He had woken a little late do to being tired for last night's show. When he woke his quokka boyfriend wasn't in bed with him anymore, so he went looking for him.

   When he found him he wanted to combust.

    Jisung was sitting on the couch with Changbin, Hyunjin and Minho (who decided to come by missing his own boyfriend).

   Hyunjin and Minho were cuddling on the loveseat while Changbin sat on the recliner chair playing the switch that was connected to the tv, Jisung who was looking absolutely amazing had his headphones on as he bopped his head to whatever he was working on.

   "Are you going to stare at his legs all day or are you going to come sit down?" Minho questioned.

   Chan snapped from his daze of looking at his lovers legs that were stretched out the couch not covered by anything.

    "Uh, yeah, I am going to sit down." Chan said, going over to the couch Jisung was on he tapped the younger's leg.

  Without looking Jisung moved his legs allowing Chan to sit, then stretched them back over Chan's lap.

   "Now I know what you mean when you say they are always some kind of naked." Minho stated.

  Chan had no shirt on just a pair of basketball shorts the same with Changbin. Jisung, he was wearing a hoodie (that was Chan's), but no pants.

    "Sometimes Chan~hyung doesn't wear shorts just his boxers. Jisung did that once but he was wearing lace, and Chan got jealous. I don't think I have ever seen Chan move so fast." Hyunjin teased.

   "He did look really good." Changbin said.

  "Please stop talking about how good my boyfriend looks." Chan huffed, as he began to massage Jisung's legs.

    "Its just a compliment. I mean he gets stares all the time because of how adorable he is, but in the end he is only yours." Minho said.

   "He is especially cute today..." Chan muttered glancing at his lover, who looked smaller than usual.

  "Whipped." Changbin laughed not taking his eyes from his game.

  "Says you who would do anything Jeongin asks." Hyunjin said.

   Changbin gave Hyunjin the bird quickly then went back to his game.

    Hyunjin and Minho laughed and Changbin fell of the kart course.

   Chan's attention went to his boyfriend who closed his laptop and took his headphones off.

   Jisung stretched, letting out a soft groan when his back cracked.

   "Finally done." He muttered, setting his computer on the coffee table.

  "What were you working on?" Chan asked, pulling Jisung onto his lap.

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