"hello?" scaramouche answered the phone call from xiao.

"come to blues cafe" xiao said alarmed.

"what why?"

"now" and with that he hung up.

okay rude. but to his luck, blues cafe was a five minute walk away from him, so he immediately rushed there.

what could have happen to be so urgent? and why xiao, out of all people, sounded so alarmed? something defenetly wasn't right.

all kinds of thoughts raced through his mind but all worthless because he was already outside the cafe. the lights were off, weird because they close off not so early but he entered anyway, because somehow the door was unlocked.

"SURPRISE!!!" a whole bunch of people yelled simultaneously while cheering and wearing birthday caps.

everyone was there. y/n, xiao, hu tao, diluc, kaeya, ayaka, ayato, thoma, venti, albedo, kazuha, heizou and even childe and la signora, two of his oldest friends. and in the corner of the room was ... his mom?

"happy birthday, my boy" she said as she approached him and hugged him while behind her tailed yae miko, his former therapist.

"when did you get here? i thought you would be on your buissness trip for the next year or so." scaramouche said to his mother.

"how could i miss my son's 17th birthday? besides, y/n here was such a dear to plan this party for you." she replied while pointing to you who was waiting for your turn to congratulate him.

"happy birthday!" you said.

"i thought you forgot" he told you.

"nonsense, i could never"

"you didn't have to plan such a big party you know"

"oh shut up and be thankful, ungrateful brat" heizou said sarcastically.

"yeah, thanks" he mumbled.

"what was that I couldn't hear you?" hu tao remarked.

"i said thanks okay? this really means a lot so no one will hear this twice." and everyone let out a hearty laugh.

the party was going smoothly, everyone was having fun and was catching up with each other, you even got to talk to signora, which seemed intimidating at first but after she seemed more like a big sister.

"no way. he spat onto the kids drawing just because the kid didn't land him his purple crayon?" you said while wiping your tears from laughter.

"yes, i remember the teacher scolding him so hard" la signora laughed with you while she told you stories of scaramouche from primary school with childe and scaramouche himself assisting.

"okay that's enough, y/n, can i talk to you for a sec?" scaramouche said standing up.

"yeah sure, we will be right back" you said to no one in particular and followed him into the kitchen.

as soon as you two were alone he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into a hug while burying his face into your chest.

"is everything okay? did something happen?" you asked him worried.

"no, everything is good, i'm just not used with this much attention drawn upon me"

"god, you are 17 but still such a baby"

"shut up, I needed a moment to gain my energy back" he said as he raised his head to look at you while still holding each other.

after a moment of silence he kissed you gently while you felt how he was smiling. and in that moment you felt like he was the one to make your mind be quiet and peaceful.

he pulled apart from the kiss and looked straight into your soul but in a heartwarming wat "y/n, i love you" he said.

and this was the first time he actually said it. not on text, not as a joke, truly said it.

"i love you as well, scara" you said as you genuinely smiled.

a/n: what if i put some heart wrenching angst in this book (also to everyone who comments on this book y'all deserve head)

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