uhh, dad? i messed up

Start from the beginning

*big gasp*

My head shot up at the sound of gasping, to see Vex breathing regularly. SHE'S ALIVE!

"Your alive!" I ran to hug her. She coughed violently until I let her go. Oh my god. She's alive, she's- she's here and.. she can listen. I can't lose her. Not again.

"My god, you asshole!" She clutched her stomach where I slashed her. That's fair. Thank God she's okay. How though? She was very well beyond dead.

"We just checked your pulse, we thought you just fucking died on us, holy crap!" Sapnap let out a sigh of relief. Guess she grew on him too.

"I don't die so easily. Just made a second deal with God" of course she did. But she didn't sacrifice herself for anyone. So how did she come back?

"How though? What kind of deal did you make?" I have a feeling she did something dumb.

"She felt bad that I was back so soon, and I offered to lose my chance to go to heaven forever, no matter how good of a thing I did. I don't think that was proper english" what? Why?? Why would you want to come back here?

"Why? You had the chance to go to heaven" she gave me a smile. Sly, but playful.

"I wasn't gonna die before Schlatt and let's be honest I would've gone to hell either way" Huh. Something about that doesn't seem true. Well it sounds true, but it feels like something is missing. Maybe she doesn't want to say? Maybe it's something about Tommy and Purpled.

"Whatever, at least you're not dead. I was so confused because I had no clue what was going on, and Dream over here was crying his eyes out!" Oh my god, did you have to mention that?

"I wasn't crying" he scoffed.

"Yeah OK Romeo" I'm just glad she's alive. I have to tell her. I can't keep burying it.

"Realy though. I'm glad you're okay" I smiled even though she couldn't see it. I need to talk to her when she recovers. But until then, I need to get that revival book and burn it. It's.. time to let go.

"Aww, did the heartless server admin Dream miss me?" This woman will never change.

"Can you move? At all?" She winced in pain when she tried to. The number of injuries she got over the course of these months is alarming. I need to ask Bad for a checkup.

"Next time I'm not even gonna think of trying to be revived. This shit hurts man" I sent a quick message to Bad asking if he was free. Okay, I have a patient I need you to checkup on.

"I have to go, George wants my help. Can't he just do it on his own?" Sapnap groaned and left the house. Leaving the two of us. This is awkward.

"You finally acknowledged your weaknesses huh?" What? How did you know?

"How did you-oh wait you can hear the thoughts of the person that killed you, right?" Right forgot about that.

"Yes, and you better burn that book" well there's no use hiding it then.

"What happened between you and Elaine?" Ellie. She can use this against me. She can threaten with this piece of knowledge. But.. it's the least I can do after killing her. I won't let this affect me anymore. And this is the first step to letting go.

"It was a few years ago. I lied about my age and got accepted in this one kingdom's guard. It was a corrupt one with selfish rulers, but I needed the money" I was only sixteen when it all happened. She sat up to her best efforts to listen.

"I was the princess's personal guard because I was the closest in age to her. She was abused by everyone around her, even the guards. It took awhile for her to trust me, but as we talked more, we just.. clicked" That's the best way I can describe the feeling.

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