feelings shouldn't have veen a problem

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A few days passed since Punz's noone really said anything about it. He was never friends with anyone, or had allies. Now he's burning in hell because I had done something all those years ago. I still can't believe it. He died and went to hell and is probabaly looking for me right now, but thanks to Dream he won't be seeing this bitch today.

Thanks to Dream... he is being mad sus lately. Acting all shy, saving me from death, that's some sus shit bro. And that one slip up on me being his excuse or something. And it's canon he's simping for me. So this could all mean... I don't actually know.

The thing with Dream is you never know if the things he does have an ulterior motive. He is efficient, resourceful and opportunistic. He may be using this to gaslight me into thinking he's trustworthy. But taking a poisoned arrow straight to his arm? That's some next level simping.

What do I even think of Dream at this point? He's really been nothing but nice lately. For seemingly no particular reason at all. Going out of his way to be the knight. It doesn't sound like Dream. He's been kinder, not controlling people, not contributing in any wars, not torturing children, god this man did some fucked up things. But I guess he's having a redemption arc? I kind of like this Dream. Not as big of an asshole as before, he picked up some of my humor, he pretty much knows me at this point.

He's not a bad dude, he just yearns for control. But ever since I showed up and traumatized him he's been getting used to not having control over things. He's getting used to not knowing what will happen. If I keep being me around him, maybe he could be happier not having to constantly search for an answer. Just be happy with the results that you have.

He could... be happy. Shit.


I'm wishing happiness for Dream. And volunteering myself to be his guide to it. I feel safe around him. Like he's always got my back. I feel like I can trust him.

I like him. I like Dream.

Fuuuuuuuuck. Why him!? Of course out of everyone I had to fall for the power hungry likes to hide his problems guy with a god complex. My standards have officially hit rock bottom. Damn you cupid! Oh my God, whyyyyyyy. I never believed in soul mates but now seems like a good time for them to show up right about now.

Okay. Don't overreact. You don't know for sure yet. Just try to be a bit more friendly. Chances are he might not like you back. Which is good news for me cause I don't have to deal with my god awful skills at talking to my crushes.

It's settled. Just please reject me. I want to be rejected. I don't want to be subjected into this torture.

I finally got up from my bed and went downstairs. I know myself. If I start crushing on this guy, I'm gonna start obsessing over him and blegh the thought alone makes me sick. I hate myself deeply.

"Dream?" I called for him when I reached the bottom stair. I found Sapnap eating some cereal on the table.

"He went out" dammit. The one time I want you to show up you go out to get the milk.
I sighed and made myself a bowl of cereal, sitting on the table also.

"What were you gonna talk to Dream about" ah, right. I forgot he can't mind his own business. I guess there's no use hiding it. Infact it may make him wanna reject me even more somehow.

"I may have feelings for him, I don't know" he almost choked on his cereal. I ain't bouta miss out on my crunchy cereal waiting for his response so I kept eating.

"My god, I don't wanna hear both of you simping for each other so hurry up and date already" that was not what I was expecting. He actually approves of us dating?? He wants us to date??

"I don't know if I like him, it's just speculation right now" Sapnap you sus.

"Well we both know you can't do better so" ah- bitch. I agree with that but still, rude!

"I'll be legit, I'm pretty sure there's some elaborate masterplan behind all this shi" I don't know why I'm telling him out of everyone but I don't have the composure to care.

"Trust me there isn't. I know Dream. He doesn't take shots for people he doesn't care about" I mean yeah obviously, but that doesn't prove he likes me, right?

"Does he genuinely like me? Cuz I was dead set on getting rejected" he stopped eating for a second.

"Bitch you still don't know? He saved you from certain death three times" yeah yeah, I know.

"But he did actively tinjure me tho. Piece of shit kicked me in the same spot three times and I still haven't fully recovered from that" he was an asshole a lot of times. Sap scoffed.

"You know, just as much as I do that he is horrible at expressing his emotions" okay you have a valid point. Still I don't want to believe it.

"What do I do? We're both shit at feelings and emotions. It's only a matter of time before one of us fucks up and ruins everything" I'm not lying. We're both really fucked up people who've hurt others. We both have issues.

"Give it a chance. It's obvious neither you or Dream are gonna get anyone better than each other anyway" oh, this bitch. Why do you want us to be together anyways.

"Why are you so adamant on setting us up? Surely Sapnap, the almighty alpha male who gets all the bitches would have something better to do" I shot back. He scoffed. Yeah scoff all you want you know that the sentence I just uttered isn't and will never be true.

"I'm not gonna say anything further" he got up and left me at the table. I have no idea what to do. Especially with the Tommy and Wilbur situation.

"Dream does like you" George was standing next to the doorframe. Talk about jumpscare.

"You scared the intrusive thoughts out of me man. And that's hard to do" I slouched on the chair. He sat next to me.

"Sapnap says snitching about Dream's feelings mean 'breaking bro code' so I'll be the one to say it" that... makes more sense than it should.

"Dream has feelings for you. He thinks their making him weak so he buries them and hurts himself. This isn't the first time this has happened" really? Dream being compassionate sounds illegal.

"What happened before?" I was curious about what kind of sane person would notice him.

"He was a guard at a kingdom and got close with the princess. They met with each other despite everyone's warning and eventually fell in love. The king found out and fired Dream. They were forever separated. And a bit of time later the whole kingdom was killed by a mysterious killer. Including the princess who was never found" holy shit. That's a whole origin story. I can justify alot of his mental issues.

"Holy shit. That is messed up" I can almost forgive every douche thing he has ever done.

"Yeah. He has never been the same since" I can barely believe someone fell in love with Dream, but I doubt George would lie to me.

"I get this is like a really dramatic backstory but I'm kinda not good with feelings too and I'll probably end up hurting him more, so you know I'm kiiinda leaning towards rejection"  his face was not having my shit. That sounds much weirder than I thought.

"Please he has pushed away everyone that he has feelings for. Just give it a chance. Give him a chance" you know it's serious when his homies ask you to date him.  It's not like I don't want to. It's just I'm scared of fucking something up.

"I'm scared! Okay? I'm not exactly the best candidate for a girlfriend. I'm not good at people or commitment. Both in once is a hell and a half for me. Plus I'm highly unstable" George just sighed at my truthful rant.

"I won't force you to date my best friend. But please talk to him" what? Why?

"Why?" He sighed deeply.

"He made a deal with Schlatt. Something about a revival book. He's planning something bad. Something that will make him spiral out of control. The only reason I'm only telling you this because you are the only one he will listen to. Please talk to him" he was desperate. I've never seen him so determined. I gotta ask him about this. Getting involved with Schlatt screws with you in ways you didn't even know were possible. I made that mistake. And I can't let Dream make it too. Despite my very twisted opinion of him, I can't let someone walk into insanity like this.

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