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I looked around and spotted him on the ground. That was the moment I was struck with fear. I don't usually show strong emotion, but right now was the moment fear that Tubbo had died settled in.

"There" I spotted him and Tommy rushed over there. I was in pain. Physically and psychologically.

"Tubbo! Tubbo are you alive?!" He got a hold of his shoulders and lightly shook him, until we heard Tubbo take in a deep breath and start breathing, almost like he was suffocating. When he regained his normal breathing tempo, I saw Wilbur with Fundy approaching us.

"Is everyone alright?" Was the first thing he said when he got to us. Yeah, I'm over here muscles being torn apart, bruises everywhere, but I'm fiiine you know.

"Tubbo, Tommy and... Vex! Are you hurt?" I need to buy this guy glasses, cause he can't see SHIT.

"A healing pot or two would help" I suggested. Wilbur glanced at the whole crew and let out a sigh.

"Our condition is critical. If their attack went on for any longer, one of us could've been dead" it's scary how accurate that was. From the midst of everything, Eret limped over to us.

"Guys! There you are" he seemed relieved. Fortunately he looked like he got out with a slap on the wrist, except for he was soaked. Just a bit of dirt and scratches stained his uniform.

"Eret! Where were you!" Fundy asked him. Wilbur helped Tubbo up. I had lost my voice for some reason.

"I was thrown in the lake by Dream, fucking bastard" he cursed under his breath. We all made our way to the clinic we built and tended to each other's wounds. Mine weren't severe and they gave me a few spoonfuls of a heal pot. So I was good. I also made a discovery. Healing pots do not cure insomnia.

"Wilbur sir, what do we do now?" Tubbo asked, looking up at our leader. He gazed at all of us throughout the room, with a guilty face.

"We don't have many options, that's for sure" he admitted. Come to think of it, how did our plan backfire? Everything was set. We bought some time to prepare fully, they were on the exact spot, the TNT was under them... right? The TNT blew up in our faces. How is that even possible? Eret was in charge of putting the explosives. Did he... did he rig it under us, instead of under them? Why would he do that? I don't think we did anything to upset him. And even if he did, this would be the pettiest revenge I've ever seen. And that's rich coming from me.

"Ladies and gentlemen, now is the time to reveal, my vault" Eret smirked. All the others looked hopefully at him.

"What do you mean vault?" Wilbur questioned.

"I have been grinding, for a weapon. That could help us win the war" he claimed, giving us hope. My suspicions skyrocketed at him. But my voice was gone. I couldn't day anything to warn the others. Honestly, part of me wants to see how this plays out. He must be associating with the enemy to do all of this behind our backs. Well crap, I can't talk.

"And you say this now?" Fundy interjected.

"I apologize. It took a big chunk of time to put together" he explained. We ended up following him to a shady ass cave. I continuously tried to guide them away, but they just kept eagerly walking towards their deaths. My voice was broken and cranky, so I couldn't get any audible words out. We made it into an obsidian room with 4 chests on the sides.

"This... is the final control room" he dramatized. Even if I didn't figure out you were the traitor, the way you said that sounded extremely suspicious. I opened one of the chests to prove my suspicions, but there was nothing in there.

"What does this button do?" I heard Tommy say. Button + traitor Eret = trap. Shit.

Then hell broke loose again. The whole Dream Team ambushed us and attacked us. With the limited vocal chords I had I blurted out in full force.

"I TRIED TO TELL YOU!" I saw the rest pulling their swords out and fending off. I glared at Eret amongst the clash.

"I wanna ask why, but I really do understand the reason you did this" I bluntly admitted. He had sunglasses but I saw his expression change to surprised.

"It is terrible luck for us that we put YOU in charge of the TNT. Seriously what are the fricken chanc-" suddenly a piece of cloth was put on my mouth. I tried to kick or resist, but unfortunately it was strong sedative, also coupled with my insomnia, my movements stopped.

"Well, that was easy" I heard a deep voice say before I passed out. No shit it was easy, I was standing there regretting my life decisions.

A few days later

Blinding lights.

That was what greeted me back into the real world. I felt my senses come back one by one. I opened my eyes to see sunlight. Why couldn't they close the damn curtains. Wait. Oh yeah, I got kidnapped. When I was so rudely interrupted by who I think was Dream.

I looked around and saw a closet, a nights with a lamp on it and a window at the very top of the room. They be making fun of my height dude.

"What do I do now?" I curiously asked myself. The soreness wasn't in my body anymore. I feel kinda well rested. My eyebags must've lightened because I feel refreshed. I should get kidnapped more often.

I walked over to the door and turned the doorknob. Locked. Of course. I checked my pockets to see if they took anything and most of my things were gone. They took my flint and steel. I checked my jacket pocket and found a bobby pin. Good thing I learned to pick locks.

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