Perhaps It For the Better

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A/N: I apologize if any of them are OOC, I tried to keep them in character the best I could lmao, this also has a few headcanons of mine so I apologize for that as well

Donnie and Casey were both in love with the Red haired girl: April O'Neil. They were crazy about her, although, they both finally realized that she wasn't into either of them. So perhaps it's time for them to stop loathing each other and put aside their differences.

Donnie's POV


I was in my lab working on a new project, trying to get it out of my head. I just couldn't help but get lost in my thoughts. I knew that April didn't like me, I knew that she didn't think of me more than just a friend, acquaintance even. But the more that I thought, the more I started to come to a realization.

'Has April been...willingly leading us on? No...she couldn't have been, she's not like that. Right?' I thought more and more about it, not realizing that I had been zoned out for the entire time until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I sprung up out of my chair, startled. Relaxing after seeing that it was just Mikey. "Whoa! Calm down dude, it's just me!" He said with a cheesy smile plastered on his face. "Oh, hey Mikey. What are you doing up so late?" I asked.

"Meh, couldn't sleep," Mikey answered, swaying back and forth on his heels. "Anyway, Casey's here!" Mikey exclaimed before going to skip his way out of the lab. I grabbed his arm before he could leave.

"Wait, why is Casey here?" I questioned. Mikey flipped around quickly, "Not sure dude, he just kinda showed up." Mikey shrugged and made his way out of the lab. "Well...okay then," I mumble to myself before sitting back down.

3rd Person POV


The purple turtle softly sat down in his chair. Resting his cheek on the palm of his hand, he begins to get lost in thought again, just as he is startled once more by someone or something barging into his lab. He lets out a yelp before spinning around in his chair to see who or what it was.

Donatello sighed. It was the one and only angsty teen, Casey Jones. "What do you want, Jones?" He asked. Casey snickered before walking over to him. "Nothing, just thought I'd come to say hi, y'know?" He had his signature gapped grin written across his face.

Donnie glared at him with squinted eyes, knowing better than to believe that. "Sure, what do you actually want, Cave mouth?" Lowering his head slightly, Casey let out a slight, almost inaudible giggle, the only thing that indicated he was even laughing was his shoulders moving up and down.

" sure know me well, don't cha'?" Casey pulled over an extra chair and sat next to Donnie. "Well, I guess I just wanted to...spend some time with you," Casey announced to Donnie straight-forward.

Donnie's eyes widened a bit, "Hang on, hang on, hang want to spend time with me?" He repeated, making sure he heard correctly. Casey giggled, revealing his 2 front teeth missing.

"Yeah, I guess so. As weird as it sounds." Donnie was as silent as ever. Casey turned his gaze to the floor and began speaking once more, "We both know that April doesn't like either of us, so what's the point in hating each other anymore...right? I mean, the only reason that we hated each other was that we were competing against each other to see who could get April first, but it turned out neither of us won. The whole ordeal is over, so why should we continue hating each other about something that's already in the past, y'know?"

Donnie looked down, fidgeting with his hands. A clear indication that he was thinking. Donatello sighed softly before turning back to Casey, this time with a softer demeanor and expression. "Yeah, I...I guess you're right, so..." Donnie reached his hand out to Casey, "Friends?" He asked nervously.

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