𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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"Yuji and I were helping our grandfather clean out his attic, he's moving and we don't like him going up there alone. Our grandfather didn't want us to waste this beautiful day so he sent us away." Sukuna says and you smile at that, it was sweet of them to help their grandfather. Your grandparents had passed when you were a baby and your parents never talked about them much. You also never asked.

"How sweet," you say, "Is he moving far?"

Sukuna shakes his head and reaches into his pocket for his phone which has buzzed. "He actually bought the house next door to Yuji which makes him closer." the smirk that was once on his face was wiped clean off, "We have to go." he stands abruptly which causes you to do the same.

"Why? What's wrong?" you question with furrowed brows. Instead of answering you Sukuna grabs your hand and tugs you even further from where Maki and everyone else was. You don't fight Sukuna verbally but pull your hand from his grip.

"We're going somewhere more private," he says and the vagueness of his answer has your stomach turning in knots, how would Toji feel about me going somewhere private with Sukuna? Would he even care?

It was obvious that Sukuna knew this city like the back of his hand which made you trust his judgment. "What's wrong with where we just were?" you turn to look back at the water fountain and your breath gets caught in the middle of your throat at the figure dressed in all black watching you and Sukuna. Following you and Sukuna. Quickly your head turns forward and pressed further to Sukuna's side while keeping up with his stride. Who would follow you around in the city?

"He's been following us since we left the store," Sukuna says as you blend in with a crowd of people waiting to cross the street. When the white walking man is displayed, Sukuna grabs your hand and makes a run for three blocks, you assume to get the stranger off your trail. You were thankful when Sukuna ducked into an alleyway since the bags you were carrying weren't light in the slightest. "We should be good if we wait for a few minutes, I'll text Yuji to go the opposite way and we'll meet when the coast is clear." he doesn't wait for a reply before beginning to type away on his phone.

You watch in silence, two questions running through your mind. One, who was the person in black, and two, why did Sukuna suddenly make you feel safe? He had noticed the man following you two which was impressive since clearly, you had no idea what was going on in your surroundings. Once Sukuna hits send, his attention turns back to you. "Five minutes should be enough for him to get far on his own." Sukuna turns an empty bucket upside down and takes a seat, you remain standing. Until Sukuna pats his lap, "Sit," you give him a look as if telling him to be serious. Sukuna raises his hands, "Standing is cool too."

The alley was dirty and there were no more empty buckets which meant standing was your only option unless you accepted Sukuna's offer. You shake your head from that thought, standing would have to suffice.

After the five minutes were up, Sukuna surprises you by taking the bags from your hands and tilts his head to nod towards the street opening, "Ladies first."

Without any hesitation you lead the way out, looking around immediately for the same guy you were trying to get away from. You don't see him though, you see something much worse. Your husband. Toji is across the street and walking in your direction but he doesn't see you. For a second you think you can get away, but as if sensing your presence, his dark and cold eyes meet yours then immediately a glare is thrown at who just emerged from the alleyway behind you, holding your shopping bags.

"Shit," you whisper under your breath and take a big step forward when feeling Sukuna's front brushing against your back. You didn't want to see Toji commit murder but it looked like it was too late for that because Toji makes it to you in a matter of seconds, eyebrows furrowed. "Hi." you look up at him and offer a hint of a smile which he doesn't reciprocate just as you thought.

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐯𝐚'𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐞Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin