He doesn't understand why your being such a worry rat, it just seemed like common sense to break its wings. While his dad didn't have any wings (as cool as that would be) momma broke his legs when he tried to leave, and Bob was thankful for that. He doesn't know what he would do if he left him and momma, he was angry at her at first but over time dad got used to it. It was much more peaceful now that he doesn't scream as much, the basement did little to muffle his sounds.

"What? It's not hurt, it's just sleeping. And besides your a doctor." You really weren't. "So you can just give it some leaves and it'll be okay! You know what your doing."

Stroking your ego a bit should help, he doesn't want you to worry or call and adult. He doesn't wanna get in trouble..

Not again..

"Are...are you sure it's okay?" You timidly asked him again, fiddling with your hands as you stared worriedly at it.

"Mhm, oh! I also got a name for it if you wanna hear it?" He planned a few in his head before you came, too excited about finally having a pet to settle for one.

"Sure!" You sat back down and scooted closer to him, bob grinned at you when you did. Showing off his crooked teeth.

"Well, I was thinking of naming it Leo! Like from the new turtle show? But I also like the sound of....."


Bob woke up groggily, he felt hot. Too hot. Sweat lined all over his body uncomfortably.

He tried to sit up but found it harder then before.

He tilted his head upwards to see a newer and tighter straight jack on him, the beige colour not being as faded and stained as the last one. They must've swapped his jacket after he got shot..


Oh... he forgot about that.

You were gone, thank's to him..

He should've felt mad at the thought of Lance touching you and taking you away from him, yet.. Bob felt... shitty. To say the least.

He should've stopped, he should've just listened when you said no. Now he doesn't know if your okay or not, he doesn't even know what day it is anymore. He tends to sleep for a day or two when shot..


It's okay, you'll forgive him. You always do, that's why your here, or... that's why you're gonna come back! Yes. You're gonna come back into bobs waiting arms and tell him you love him, that you forgive him.



He heaves a heavy sigh, his chest felt tight and constricted as he did so. Wether is was because of the jacket or the suffocating and guilt and anxiety he feels. He wasn't sure

Sitting up he gazes around the empty room numbly, he's sure they won't let him back outside with the other inmates now.. man he's starting to miss people.

Eating people.

God, when's the last time he ate?

Knock knock knock..


Did you come back!?

He tensed up and grinned brightly instantly, like that of a dog would when waiting for their owner to come home. Just as he moved to stand up and run over the door creaked open to reveal..

Not you...

And just like that the grin on bobs face was slapped off and instead replaced with a snarl, anger and disappointment over taking his once excited bones.

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