Eun Woo: I don't know her name. I don't know anything. 

Ji Ho showed all the departments except the research lab.

I phone-called Ji Ho because I was hungry. Ji Ho said " Okay. Come out. Let's go for lunch. I am with a friend. I will introduce you to him.

Ji Ho: *to Eun Woo* Wait... I forgot about the research department. Take a look if she is there.

I went to the washroom and got ready.

Meanwhile, Eun Woo and Ji Ho entered our lab and I was in the washroom

Eun Woo: NO. I didn't find her here. 

Ji Ho: I am sorry, Eun Woo. Get the details of where you saw her yesterday. Maybe you can find her there. By the way, I am going for lunch with my friend. Join us.

Eun Woo: Ahh...

 I have to go and practice my vocals. I am busy. You, people, have fun.

Eun Woo left with disappointment.

I came out of the washroom and asked about Ji Ho's friend. Ji Ho said, "He is busy. so he left". 

We both went out for lunch and went back to our home. 

Eun Woo tried searching for me everywhere in the office except the lab for a week continuously. I worked on the new serum formula in the lab for a week.

After a week...

Boss: Mira, take some rest and go out, have fun. You have been working continuously.

Mira: Okay. Thank you. I will take today as an off and I will join you tomorrow.

I called Ji Ho and said, " Let's go out shopping or to a mall or to a play area."

Ji Ho: Okay. In an hour!

Meanwhile, at Eun Woo's home..

Eun Woo's Mom: Did you find her?

Eun Woo: No.

Eun Woo's Mom: So... Listen to me now. Go out with Ji Ho on a vacation. Know her and then we will plan an engagement after you return.

Eun Woo: Okay. But, if I find my girl even after engagement.. I am not marrying Ji Ho.

Eun Woo's Mom: Okay. Deal!

And Eun Woo left the house with a sad face.

Eun Woo called Ji Ho 

Eun Woo: Take me to a mall or a play area. I am bored. Don't say NO.

Ji Ho: Okay. Come to my office. Get ready so that no one recognizes you. 

Eun Woo: Okay. *cuts the call*

Eun Woo went to our office and met Ji Ho. 

Ji Ho: Eun Woo. I am little busy with my last minute schedule. I am sorry.

Eun Woo: Yaa....I told you not to say NO.

Ji Ho: Okay.. Let me do one thing. My best friend wants to go out too. I will tell her to take you with her.

Eun Woo: Please do that *loud voice*

Ji Ho called me and said I need to take her friend out with me since she is busy. She instructed how to protect him from the public. She didn't tell me it's Eun Woo. 

I met Eun Woo. I saw Eun Woo with a face mask and goggles on. I thought it's some famous idol. I didn't know it was Eun Woo.

Eun Woo saw me and he became very happy. 

Eun Woo: *to Ji Ho* Who is she?

Ji Ho: I told you I have a friend. It's her. She is Mira. She is a Chief Chemist here.

Eun Woo: Thank you so much, Ji Ho. You made my day.

Ji Ho: What? what happened? Why are you so happy?

Eun Woo: Umm.. nothing.. its because I am going out now even though you are busy. Bye bye.

Mira: Ji Ho.....

*Eun Woo dragged me saying "Hurry.... let's go.. let's go...

We both sat in a car in the back. I saw Eun Woo smiling all the way to the mall.

Mira: Sir, you look so happy.

Eun Woo: Yes. I am very happy. 

Mira: By the way, may I know your name, sir?

Eun Woo: Don't call me "Sir". My name is........

Mira:  yeah.... your name is.....

Eun Woo: It's Dong Min. You can call me "Min". My favorite people call me by this name.

Mira: *confused* *to myself in mind* I am his favorite? What? I am confused.  *to Dong Min* Oh. Okay, Min. 

I asked the driver to take us to a mall.

The driver took us to a mall.

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