Ch33 - Notes of Another Name

Start from the beginning

"I'm sure you did," Brandon says not unkindly, but he does roll his eyes. "Here, by the way." He holds between his pointer and middle fingers the reply note for today.

Paige gasps and glances over at OJ, who is conveniently sipping at juice with his eyes closed. Can I read this with him right here? Paige wonders. Is that weird?

"Go on," Brandon urges. "Read away. I think today's is pretty good!"

"Oh, Brandon! Honestly!" Paige pouts, snapping up the note. "If I've told you once, I've told you a million times..."

"Yeah, yeah," Brandon laughs. "Go on, loverboy. Read your note."

Paige huffs, but opens the note regardless.

Today's note reads—

Before Paige can properly read it, there's a loud slam on the table in front of him, an arm shooting between him and Brandon. "What the FUCK is this?" booms a loud voice.


It's PB again.

"What the fuck is what, asshole?" Brandon immediately frowns. "You interrupting our wonderful second-rate-bully-free lunch?"

PB growls and points down at what he placed on the table. "This," he stresses. "What the fuck is this."

Paige blinks and slowly looks down at what it is, which happens to be the school newspaper. On it in big letters is the headline: PAIGE IS A FIGHTING MASTER? The Yin Yang Clipper's Response!

"Um," is all Paige can say.

"Is that all you can say?" PB laughs humorlessly. He then grabs Paige by the collar and lifts him a bit. "Get up you little twerp. I never got the chance to beat you up last time."

"Hold on," Brandon says, shooting up and grabbing the hand that holds Paige. "First, put my friend down. Second, what the hell does this have to do with you anyways? You just trying to find reason to fight?" He rolls up his sleeve. "'Cause I can fight if you just want to fight."

"Brandon—" Paige tries, only to be cut off by PB.

"That kid you beat up is my cousin," he spits. "Not that I actually give a shit, but I'm not about to let his reputation ruin mine."

"S-so you're going to fight me?" Paige squeaks.

"So I'm going to fight you," PB replies, unkind smile on his face.

"No," Brandon says, removing PB's hand from Paige's collar and pushing him back, "You're going to fight me."

"No," says a third player, throwing their hat into the ring, "I think he'll be fighting me."

Paige blinks as OJ stands, pushing Brandon back down. "OJ...?"

"Aww, are you his little boyfriend or something?" PB sneers mockingly, then takes a closer look at OJ. "Wait a sec. Aren't you that one nerd everyone smart hates?" Paige frowns at the remark. Did OJ have problems with other bullies? "Pfft. You think you're gonna beat me with what, some math facts or some shit?"

OJ carefully steps over to the other, a cool look on his face. Paige panics. "OJ, no! You don't have to—"

"Nah," PB says, drawing himself up. "He does now."

OJ and PB stand only inches away from each other, an intense staredown happening. OJ doesn't seem the slightest bit scared, even though PB is at least a foot or two taller than him.

And then PB swings first.

...And OJ deflects him like it's nothing...!?

"What the—" PB groans and throws another punch, only for that to get blocked as well. "What the fuck!?"

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