End Of Gato and Betrayal

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Walking around wave had Naruto feeling sick, it reminded him of the times where he was locked out of house by his parents and had to sleep on the streets and hide from the 'Demon Hunters' which were basically a group of maniacs hired by the council to torture him, and when he would return home in the morning, his siblings would use him as a training dummy.

He walked in a bar and saw the owner getting harassed by some low life thugs. Deciding to help her, Naruto swiftly decapitated them with his Wind Sword, given to him by his summons. It was one of the elemental swords, it was like the Sword of the Thunder God, wielded by the 2nd Hokage, but it was made of wind chakra. As soon as he finishes the last of the thugs off, he sees the woman falling to the ground. He grabs her just before she falls to the ground and sees that she is only unconscious.

Taking her to the back room, Naruto waited until she had woken up. When she did, he tried to convince her to become a part of his spy network. He had just thought of starting it, in hopes to protect more countries from people like Gato. She agreed to him and became his first contact.

After getting the information he needed, he decided to scope out Gato's tower.

20 Minutes Later ~

Gato's Tower~

Naruto had just gotten to Gato's tower, it was a 10 story tower, and from what he could see, each story had various amounts of thugs. Each story of the tower had stronger thugs than the previous. From what he could tell, Gato was at the top floor with no one else around him.  This was another function of the Tenseigan. He could see chakra through the walls, similar to the Byakugan. Looking below the Ground level, he saw that there was a basement which looked to be filled with many injured people and some dead people. Deciding to help the people, Naruto jumped off the tree branch he was standing on.

Naruto entered the ground floor and quickly started to fight. Ducking under the sword slash done by a thug, Naruto stabbed his side with a kunai and Kicked the second thug who got hit with such force that he hit another thug and both fell down, Naruto pulled out his kunai from the first thugs side and slit his throat with it, meanwhile, the second and third thug got up and and a fourth thug decided to join them and they surrounded Naruto. Grabbing the sword form the first thug, Naruto quickly did a spin while holding his sword with his outstretched arm, which decapitated all three of the thugs. Naruto threw the sword at the fifth thug which peirced his jugular and the wall behind him, causing him to stay standing.

Looking around the  floor to see anymore thugs, Naruto was fairly disappointed, he thought if there would be five people in the ground floor, they would at least be tough the fight, He wasn't even breathing hard or any different from his regular breathing.

Making five shadow clones who transformed into the thugs and dealt with the bodies, Naruto went down the stairway towards the basement. As he entered the basement he saw something which made him want to puke, there were all females held up in lock ups, they ranged from, what he could tell, pre-teens to females into their late 40's. Quickly breaking open the first lock up he saw the girls recoil towards the wall.

"Calm down, I'm here to break you free, I'm a shinobi from Takigakure," Naruto said with smile.

"n-n-no, y-y-you are l-l-lying. T-t-thats w-w-what t-t-they s-s-said b-b-before." She stuttered out.

"I promise I am here to help you. Here, I'll give you a kunai to protect your self from me if I hurt any of you." Naruto said and she nodded. Deciding to quickly let them escape, he  started to break them out and and put a genjutsu on the basement.

As they entered the ground floor it looked all nice and clean as if nothing had happened, He noticed the girls tense as they saw the transformed clones. Naruto reassured them and they exited the tower. Naruto took them to each to their houses.

With that Naruto looked up at the sky and realized it was almost evening and decided to head to Tazuna's house.

~ 10 minutes later~

As Naruto entered the house and over heard the conversation happening inside.

"You guys know nothing about pain and suffering, especially the blonde here to help you, all you guys know is how to live in a comfortably house with everything handed to you!" Inari yelled.

As Naruto heard this he started to remember those horrible memories.


Naruto was banging on the front door of his house, hoping somebody would let him in. Just then he heard a laugh. "well well well, what do we got here?" a villager said. "Its the demon trying to break into lord Hokage's house." Another said. Suddenly he was grabbed by the back off his shirt and thrown towards the ground. Naruto curled up into a ball with tears running down his face. He was kicked, punched and stabbed. They left him in a pool of his own blood, while he twitched. The last thing he saw that night was, Menma laughing at him from his room. When he woke up the next morning, it was an ANBU who kicked him in the back. Naruto got up to see that his wounds were healed but he still looked like a mess. Going up to the door of his house. He knocked on the door which was opened by his mother.

"What happened to you?!" She exclaimed in anger, wondering who had done that to her son.

"It was the village-" Naruto didn't get to finish his sentence as he was slapped by his mother.

"Stop lying, they would never do that, you no what, I have had enough of your lying." With that he was getting beaten by his own mother while the rest of his family watched.


Naruto quickly opened the door and made his way to his bedroom and went to sleep.


Naruto woke up to cups breaking. He quickly got out of bed and rushed out to see Inari holding a knife up to a thug, while another thug was heading towards his mother. Naruto quickly threw two kunai which pierced both of the thugs hearts.

He quickly calmed down the mother and son duo. He saw Tsunami hug Inari lovingly.

"You no what Inari, I envy." Naruto said with a far away look in his eyes.

"W-w-why" Inari stuttered, still disturbed by what just happened.

"You have a loving family, something I never had, along with respect from your fellow villagers, another thing I never had." With that Naruto dissipated in a white flash.

Naruto teleported to the bridge to see that there was already fighting going on. Deciding to help the jounin sensei against Zabuza, which was not easy as the man would not let him help. Suddenly the fighting stopped as they all heard clapping as Gato came out.


"GOOD NEWS THOUGH, AFTER THIS I WOULD HAVE TWO MORE GIRLS TO ADD TO MY COLLECTION, ESPECIALLY THAT GREEN HAIRED GIRL LOOKS SO EXOTIC, I WOULDN'T EVEN SELL HER!" He continued. This pissed Naruto off and he ran towards the groups of thugs and started hacking at them in anger and killed all of them and killed Gato.

Naruto finally calmed down when he heard cheering. He looked around and saw the villagers gathered around him.


Naruto had been checking his seals. Deciding to open his file which hi found in Shibuki's office. The file read ~

Name - Naruto Kitsune

Rank - Chunnin

Missions - 1 S rank, 19 A ranks, 40 B ranks, 60 C ranks, 374 D ranks

NOTES - He is not trustworthy. He is too strong to control. Currently being seduced by FUU to tie him down to the village.

This made Naruto angry. The person he loved was betraying him, The village he sacrificed so much for considered him untrustworthy.

on his was=y to Fuu's room to confront here, he heard the slapping of flesh, which seemed to get louder as he got closer to her room. Opening the door only a little to see who was in there. Naruto saw blue hair and realized Fuu was with Aoki.

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