Welcome to Wave

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Naruto is walking towards the Takikage's office, he was taking his time and reminiscing over the past and was looking forward to the next couple of days. It has been five years since Naruto had met Fuu. During the five years, Naruto had remained a chunnin while Fuu had just become a gennin. They had been dating for 11 months now. Naruto had asked her out. Their 1 year anniversary would be in 5 days. She was currently on a mission to wave, her teams mission was to help and guard a bridge builder while he builds a bridge that connects The Land of Waves to the Land of Hot Water. She should be back just in time for their anniversary.

As Naruto reached the Shibuki's office, he noticed that Shibuki was not in there. His office looked like a mess, files where everywhere. One of those files had his name on it. Finding no harm in looking through it, he sealed it inside a storage seal on his arm for future reading.

Just then, Shibuki entered with a sigh.

"Naruto, I have a very important mission for you." Shibuki said in a serious tone.

"What's the mission?" Naruto asked.

"I need you to go and help team 34 in there mission in wave." Shibuki replied in the same serious tone.

"What happened?" Naruto asked, worry could be clearly heard in his voice.

"Turns out the mission was above a C-rank and they would need your help. There is a missing nin by the name of Zabuza who is assigned to assassinate the bridge builder." Shibuki said.

Nodding, Naruto quickly took the mission scroll and summoned a clone to get his bags from his home. With that Naruto quickly left the village.

On his way to the Land of Waves, his clone teleported next to him. He quickly put his luggage in another storage seal. He had accidentally made a teleportation jutsu during one of his missions to protect the damyo of the Land of Hot waters.


Naruto had just been given a break by his group leader and Naruto was already getting bored. Deciding to do something productive he decided to work on some new seals. Deciding to make a flash gene. What it would do is that it would create a bright light, which would blind an opponent. Deciding to use it on a rock, he quickly drew a seal on a rock near him and threw it, as it landed, Naruto activated it.

Suddenly Naruto hit his head on the ground. Looking up, Naruto saw that he was had landed head first onto the rock he had thrown. Looking through the seal, he realized that because of one bad stroke of his brush, he had made a teleportation seal. Putting it on his kunai, he threw it again. He focused and appeared right where he threw the kunai, with the kunai in his hand.


Over the year, Naruto had been getting better at using his teleportation technique. He could now use it with very less chakra and was working on using it over large distances with less chakra. He is making his clones use it over long distances to get used to it.


As Naruto was running he saw the familiar mop of mint green hair. Quickly appearing behind her, Naruto wrapped his arms around her waist.

Fuu, turned around and was ready to punch the person who grabbed her, only to see Naruto.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I am your teams back up." Naruto replied with a smile.

"So, where are you guys staying?" He asked with a yawn.

Fuu smiled and said, "We are living in Tazuna's house, he is the bridge builder. Follow me, I'll take you there."

Nodding, Naruto started to follow her.

After 15 minutes, they reach Tazuna's house. While they were walking, Naruto noticed the amount of homeless people, everywhere he looked there were people on the floor looking sickly pale.

Fuu opened the door to Tazuna's house and pulled Naruto in. As Naruto looked inside the house he saw Fuu's team looking at him from the dinner table. He noticed that he was getting glared at by a blue haired gennin by the name of Aoki. Deciding to ignore the gennin, Naruto talked to the Jonnin teacher of the team about his mission and later went back outside to get some intel.


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