Extra Life

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It took three days for Pure, Miguel, Raheem, Barry, Sayuri and Kyla to fully put the earth and the moon back together and back on their axises. When theyalmost had the earth complete after they finished the moon, Pure went through the layers of the earth carefully and came out of an underwater volcano. The water that was saved before was put back.

Pure did a burn to get out of the gravitational pull of the new earth before opening a portal to get back to their earth. Pure rolled out of the portal and opened up. All six of them were out cold from rebuilding the earth. Everyone came out and got them to recovery.

The next day, the earth was ready to house its people, transport was already moving the people and cities while those who built the city were in medical but Pure was in his bed with Calisha watching over him. Eventually, Pure woke up but he was sleeping on Calisha with all of their clothes off and her in bigger hybrid mode.

Pure: -grunts-

Pure felt where he was.

Pure: -moans- I know where this is.

Pure looked up and saw Calisha above him, he was covered in her tails.

Pure: Hey.

Calisha: Hey.

Pure: Did it work?

Calisha: It worked, the earth is rebuilt and is completely stable.

Pure: All right, who is not dead, sound off.

Seth: -grunts- Operational

Randal: -grunts- I'm alive

Vincent: -grunts- Still running.

Qiang: -grunts- This dragon is not dead yet.

Pure: Chun?

Chun growls.

Pure: Good.

Seth: I know we can't do that again and excuse my language, but that was broken as shit.

Vincent: Most of the power is gone but there is a decent amount left back.

Randal: I can't believe we actually did that.

Mima: Well you better believe it.

Calisha: Also, you earned something you lost.

Pure: What do you mean?

Calisha: Look at your hand.

Pure lifted up his hand and he saw something he would never expect, his skin was rebuilt.

Pure: What!?

Calisha brought the mirror over and Pure could see all of his skin returned except his cyberdemon arm, which stayed the same. He looked at his reactor and the skin was repaired around it.

Pure: Whoa!

Pure also had fur on his arms going up to his elbow and had the same fluff around his neck.

Pure: I look good.

Calisha let Pure sit up.

Pure: Can I still?

Pure saw his bag nearby and called for one of his cannons, his skin was in segments to allow it to still use his modes.

Pure: Well that is handy.

Pure put the parts back and his skin was back together and it was flawless.

Pure: Sweet.

Calisha: Looks like you finally have your full body back.

Pure: Along with yours.

Pure put his hands on Calisha and their skin was healing and making all cuts and scars go away from their body, healing them completely.

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