The Village of the Cursed.

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Over in Santa Compana, over the ten years, everyone had grown up and gotten a lot stronger. Every couple got their own house either in modern or Chinese. It was an entire village with the Shrine and Mansion being the ones on the hill. The Curses still roam and are happy there and they are friendly with everyone. First off, Naku and Chonglin had completely accepted being the curse colders and parents to Oliver and Justine.

Naku was preparing lunch for them to go to school, he had grown into a strong adult and a world-renouned artist.

Naku: All right, here you are.

Naku gave Chonglin their lunches and put them in their bags. The kids were ten years old and had a lot of powers being born from a thousand curses, they vary between each other but they are an Army of Two together.

Naku: Got your lunch, got your drinks, got your books and homework?

Oliver: Yes daddy.

Since Oliver has a different mouth, he learned how to talk normally and with his tentacles loose, but, he would rather talk normally. Justine on the other hand wears open-chest clothing to keep her second mouth open. Justine can't talk through it but can use the tentacles in it for everyday life.

Naku: Ok, everyone else should be ready soon, have a good day my sweets.

Naku kissed both of them on the head and took them outside to the middle of the village. It was there where he found everyone else with their own children. The first of the set is the twins of Jaxon and Celeste, with Celeste's training and showing Jaxon what a real man does, it allowed them to be the person they need, which resulted in them getting married and having their feternal twins Rina and Ryuu.

Rina and Ryuu excel in art and have art powers along with their dragon wolf powers, such as flight, dragon breath and combined strength. Rina is a musician that can do magic spells like her mother with a flute while Ryuu is an artist that when he draws, the draws come to life and be under his command.

Another chld is the son of Callie and Hyun, both of them had practically bonded and waited for the time when Hyun was of age to make love and marry. Much like what everyone thought, his other arm was engraved with the symbols as a gift of them marrying. As a result, they had a son. His name is Haruto and he looks like his mother with tentacles, the bone sections and dark eye but, the difference here is that he has a sleeker design to her.

Up next is the daughters of Corr and Srijoni, since they have been taking care of each other and their cores. They decided to marry and they had two daughters. The first is Rizumi, the older of the two daughters, she has legs, snake tails, scales, circuits and tongue. She also has the combined power of the Corruption and Primal cores so she has extra arms, wild hair and insane strength.

The second child is name is Rika and she is the same as Riku but she has a snake body rather than human legs. Another set of children is the children of Miraj and Jonny, their names are Jass and Samar. They are human but their bodies have a section that is like a curse and their bodies carry the destruction core cracks in their bodies but, they can control the power of the destruction core. They also have the red eyes that their mother has but they don't need a battery Jass is older than Samar but they both share the same control.

The next set of kids is from Dylan and Bexley, after they had their dates and playtimes together, they decided to tie the knot. At the night of their marriage, Bexley lifted the restrictions and both of them had the time of their lives. With Bexley's head detachable, he could always watch her face to find her weakspots and Bexley could see what Nathan was doing to her and she was enjoying it.

The both of them being married happily gave birth to three children. Tyson and Evan are brothers who are a year apart and Hailee is five years apart from them. All three of them can take off their heads since they are Dullahans and carry the indigo flames like their mother. Another couple is Gamine and Ebby, with a vampire and shapeshifter being together, it can only get hot, moist and intense.

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