Chapter 15: Pregnant

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Before this starts this idea came to me in a dream so sorry if it doesn't make sense or its crap

A week passed and the three were chilling in the kitchen. Dream was loading the dirty dishes into the dishwasher. There was a many knocks coming from the front door all of the sudden startling everyone there.

"Are we expecting someone?" Dream asked listening to the bangs

"I'll grab it." George walked up to the door. He opened it and there was a girl there. She looked to be about twenty, she was well dressed but it was easy to tell she was on the verge of tears. "Is everything okay?"

"Is Sapnap Armstrong here?"

"Uhm yeah but can I get a name?"

"Allison Parks!"

"Okay I will grab him." George left the door open running to the kitchen. "Sapnap someone named Allison is here for you."

"Who?" Sapnap stared at George with a confused face. He stood up from the island and walked over to the door. As soon as he saw the girl everything from earlier that week flooded in his brain. The club, getting drunk and having sex with her in his room. "Allison why are you here? How did you know where i live?"

"Well you took me here that night but about that night." Allison pulled something out of her jacket pocket. A pregnancy test. She handed it to Sapnap as he saw two lines. Pregnant. "You are the only guy i hooked up with. I know this is awful to hear but its yours."

"Why don't you come in, and we can talk in the family room where its warm. I will also get you water."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. There is blankets on the couch you can rest."

"Thank you so much." Allison walked into the house, since the family room was right by the door she walked straight to that, seeing there was two other guys in the kitchen

Sapnap walked into the kitchen as the two boys stared at him "What?" Sapnap asked knowing why they're staring

"Who the fuck is that?" Dream tried being as quiet as he can so she cant hear

"Its a girl i got pregnant, please don't give me a lecture."

"We will talk later but you are staying for that baby i don't care what you think. Remember you cant give that baby a life without their dad like you had."

"I will stay for the kid i promise." Sapnap reached for a water in the fridge

"Good, now you two need to talk. Me and George will give you guys privacy." Dream signaled to George to go into his room. George quickly ran to Dream's room shutting the door

"Thanks for not killing me."

"You're welcome but talk to her now." Dream walked away from Sapnap leaving him alone. Sapnap walked back into the family room sitting down next to the girl

"I'm so sorry."

"Don't apologize i didnt use a condom thats my fault. Here's your water." He handed a water bottle to the girl

"Thanks. You know you don't even have to stay for the kid i can find a way to manage on my own."

"I grew up with no dad, basically my mom got pregnant the same way you did so i grew up without my dad around and it was torture, i cant put a kid in that situation."


"Is everything okay?"

"My parents are going to kill me!"

Sapphire || DNFNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ