chapter twenty-three.

Start from the beginning

(Y/n) let out a sigh as she threw her coat back onto her chair, stepping out of Dazai's hospital room for a moment. Exhaustion finally hit her – her body achy and weary. As soon as she stepped into the hallway, her stomach let out a low grow. That was when she realized that she really hadn't eaten for over a day.

She made her way down the hall, looking for a vending machine of some kind. She looked out the nearby window as she passed it, briefly watching as the sun set once again. She lamented on how dramatic things were and it hadn't even been a full day since yet.

She stopped at the end of the hall, finding a vending machine with a variety of snacks inside despite half of the machine being out of stock. She pulled out some loose change from her pocket, deciding on what she wanted. Her mouth watered at all the sweet and salty options in front of her.

"If you're looking for those chocolate chip cookies they serve, they ran out a while ago." (Y/n) jumped at Kunikida's sudden appearance. She nearly dropped her change, only for Kunikida to clasp his hands over hers, managing to somewhat catch the change back into her hand before it could hit the floor.

"My god, you scared me," she half-laughed, pulling her hands away from his. She replaced the change back into her pocket as she added, "That's too bad. I was looking forward to eating a cheap cookie that could land me a room here."

Kunikida let out a small laugh, one that (Y/n) could tell was somewhat forced. She knew in his stance that he was tense but she had no idea why. A lot of the conflict that occurred recently has since been resolved.

She was about to ask what was wrong when Kunikida asked instead, "What have the doctors told you about Dazai now that he's awake?"

"They're going to monitor him for a few more days to make sure whatever was in him is out of his system," she explained, her hands resting against her pockets. "Apparently the poison he was injected with was something they'd never seen before."

"What do you mean? Did they elaborate?"

"The poison had the effects of an overdose of an ancient aphrodisiac but they need to run some more tests to be sure," she explained. "It's really crazy what those kids were able to get their hands on."

"No kidding..."

There was silence between them for a moment. (Y/n) held herself, squeezing her arms before letting out a quiet laugh. Kunikida took notice, promptly asking, "What's so funny?"

"I was just thinking about how last night around this time, Osamu and I were talking about wedding plans," she stated, running a hand through her hair absentmindedly. "And then we get attacked and nearly ends all of it."

"Do you think this is a sign of some kind?"

(Y/n) paused, pondering for a moment what Kunikida was suggesting. "What?"

"Do you think that maybe this is some sick sign that you shouldn't get married?"

She couldn't contain her shock. She was barely able to keep her voice level as she questioned, "What makes you say that?"

"Every time you and Dazai took a step in your relationship, some disaster occurs – whether it's out of your control of not," Kunikida continued. "This was probably the worst out of everything that's happened so far."

"Why are you telling me this? What's the point of sharing this with me?"

"I'm trying to tell you that maybe this isn't what you should be doing with your life."

(Y/n) stared at him for a moment. She wanted to say something, she just had no idea how to even start a response to that.

"Maybe there are other things you should be doing with your life. Other people you should be talking to – people who care for you deeply."

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