Making videos following the trend is not only not easy to overturn, but also can easily gain popularity. In contrast, doing videos like this will never have its own characteristics, and it will never leave a deep impression on people.

Now, following the trend to be the up master of the entertainment industry's Tucao video is like Guo Jiangzhiqing, the competition is too great, and if you don't pay attention, you will be compared by your peers.

Feng Shiyuan didn't want his videos to gradually become a product of blindly following the trend. Such an up master would be eliminated by the market too easily.

"Hey, what should be the subject of the next video..." Feng Shiyuan scratched his hair in distress.

Fans are urging him not to continue to dove.

But Feng Shiyuan didn't want to do pigeons either, but it was really difficult to find a good material!

He was scrolling through Weibo aimlessly, and suddenly, a piece of news caught his eyes.

[Yao Bianliang Chaochao · Top Announcement]

[1. It is strictly forbidden to conduct fundraising activities in all related super chats and fan groups of Liangliang; please do not invest more money than your own financial strength, and do not encourage other fans to make rankings.

2. All previous fundraising activities are cancelled, and all small partners who have participated in fundraising before do not need to worry. The person in charge will return the funds after verification one by one.

3. Everyone is not encouraged to fight against gangsters, control reviews, and make data, so the daily check-in task is cancelled, and everyone is not allowed to check-in in the fan group or Weibo Chaochao in the future. The buddhist chasing stars starts with me. ]

"Huh?" Feng Shiyuan was slightly taken aback.

After "To Our Youth" became popular, Feng Shiyuan had a good impression of Yao Bianliang, a star who refused to market, and followed her fan chat.

It's just that he didn't expect that now he saw such news in Fanchao.

"It is strictly forbidden to raise funds to play on the list, and fans are not encouraged to make data?" Feng Shiyuan almost thought he was wrong.

He has seen too much content such as encouraging fans to hit the charts, promoting fundraising activities, and urging everyone to complete check-in tasks.

But he had never seen someone like Yao Bianliang who did the opposite.

The painting style is unique, like no other.

"What's going on here?" Feng Shiyuan was a little curious.

He clearly remembered that just two days ago, Yao Bianliang's super talk was not much different from other players.

After everyone completes the tasks that fans should complete every day, they will check in and record in Chaohua.

At the same time, Chaohua also forwarded some related microblogs of Yao Bianliang, and Yishuier's "check-in confession" and "support Liangliang" in the comment area.

As a result, only two days have passed, and the style of painting has suddenly changed.

He opened it in Chaohua, and what caught his eyes were the crazy comments from fans.

"Woooooo, Liangliang really loves us. I was just a fan of Buddhism at first, but from now on, I have completely become a diehard fan of Liangliang."

"Sisters, I really broke my defenses. I have been chasing stars for five years, and for the first time, I met an idol who loves my efforts and persuades me not to pay anymore."

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