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1 year later

"Don't cause trouble okay?" My mom says handing me my last empty luggage. I rolled my eyes and smiled at her, she can be a pain but I'm going to miss her.

"I won't. I'll barely talk to anyone here." I mutter the last part of that sentence but she still somehow manages to hear it. "Hey, you'll do great and while you're at it try to make some friends."

"Ha, ha, this is college mom, not middle school." She looked at me with this face, and I instantly knew what was gonna happen. "Oh no, no- no!"

She opened her arms widely and sprung them around me. "Mom, in front of the dorm rooms? Someone could pass by!" She didn't care though, as she continued hugging me.

"My little boy is growing up." She sniffles. I sighed and finally gave into her goodbye hug. We stayed like that for another couple minutes before she pulled away and wiped one of her tears.

"Visit me as often as you can Ziggy. And please for the love of god, try to focus on college instead of that podcast of yours." I rolled my eyes at her comment. "It's not a podcast, it's live-streaming." 

"Ah, same thing." She shook it off, which made me snicker. Sometimes her lack of understanding to social media baffles me. "So, before I drive back 6 hours, who's your dorm-mate?"

"Dorm-mate?" I raise my eyebrows. "Yeah, like a roommate but since it's a dorm, it's dorm-mate" I stared at my mom until I decided to ignore it and look around inside the dorm. "From the looks of it, it seems to be a girl."

She looked flabbergasted as if someone told her the most shocking news known to mankind. "They accept that here? No separate dormitories for girls and boys?"

"No.. it's the 21st century mother nobody cares about that anymore." Of course it still existed some places else, but I figure this college is just more accepting than others.

"Oh well then okay, inform me on who it is then, if she's older-" "mom! she's most likely my age, no need to worry." She laughed and tapped my shoulder. "Okay, call me as soon as you can, okay?"

I nodded and she gave me one last hug before she took off. Great, now I have to depend on myself. I sighed and walked over to the kitchen in hopes of making something to eat while I wait for the girl to come back.

All there was in the fridge were mountain due, eggs, water and jam. What the hell was I supposed to do with this. But they looked newly bought and the eggs were all stacked with no empty trays so.. I guess she's doing some shopping for groceries.

Which reminds me, I have to help her with that. I walked back to the main room and took my car keys off of the counter. I didn't really care about my appearance so I just went out like that.

I was almost done at the grocery store, all I needed to do was get some fruits and some other shit. I almost bumped into someone who was walking in my direction because I got so tired of just walking around the aisles.

"Sorry, sorry." I apologized before I attempted to walk away I saw a girl with dark purple dyed hair and a nose piercing. There were other things too, those just stood out to me.

"Nah it's okay, hey.. you go to (college/name) too?" I grew confused until I looked down at my jacket and realized what she meant. "Oh- yeah, just moved there today."

"Cool, same here. I'm going back there wanna join me, if you're not going anywhere else?" It was intimidating, but I at east needed to know her name first. "Well first I need your name" I dryly chuckle.

"Evette. Evette Ronald."

"Nice name, do people call you eve?" She sighed and reached into her bag. "No, people call me ette." She took out a marker and a piece of paper and started writing on it. "This is my number, and you know my name yet I don't know yours."

She put the paper in my hand and I gulped. "Ziggy, Ziggy Katz." She let out a giggle and I was embarrassed for a second. "Ziggy Katz? That's a stupid name. I like it." I smirked and after that meeting we got done at the store and she didn't have a ride since she takes Ubers everywhere.

She probably assumed I would take an Uber with her too, but instead I just offered her a ride back. She's actually a really funny person. We were just messing around in the car at this point and I was actually enjoying it. "Okay what about this for a question, have you ever felt the need to cry to somebody else about your problems but they're just not hearing you?"

"If you loved me you wouldn't want to be apart from me. Ziggy I can help you get better, I can fix this is, I can fix us."

That just shot out of nowhere, when the hell did this get deep. "Yeah, pretty common feeling actually. Why?"

"Cause my parents suck." She threw a popcorn at me from the passenger seat. I laughed and pretended like I was fine.

"At least you're free from them." I shrug. "True but they're paying for my college, so I'm not completely free from them"

When we got to the university Evette asked me if she could chill at my dorm for a few hours because her roommate is over with a girl and she doesn't wanna disturb her.

I told her it was fine, considering my roommate was out and I had no idea where the fuck or who the fuck she was. I don't think she'll mind if I have a friend over.

"Woah. Your roommate is like super girly." She says picking up a pink and white bucket hat. "I guess. I don't even know who she is yet."

"I bet you she's a popular girl." She rolls her eyes and throws the bucket hat some place else and joins me in the kitchen. "This place looks exactly like my dorm. Except mine has a hole in the kitchen ceiling."

I wasn't even going to question that, so instead I just took out the groceries and laid them on the kitchen island. Evette wasn't a bother, she was spending most of the time texting on her phone while I out the stuff in the fridge.

After a few minutes we heard the door open and someone stepped inside. Ette and I eyed eachother when we heard the footsteps come closer from the door and over to the kitchen.

My jaw nearly fucking dropped. "Y/n?" I say with a cracked voice. She froze when she saw me and most importantly another girl in her dorm.

No one said anything for about 2 minutes until Evette got up awkwardly and walked towards the door. "So uhm, Ziggy, call me I'll see you in our first class in tomorrow. So- bye."

I didn't even have time to say goodbye. Me and y/n were stuck in a staring match. "Sorry. I didn't know you were my- roommate." I apologized.

"No, no it's fine." She came and dropped her items on the island. I was still trying to process shit so I didn't say anything after that.

"So, you're going here too huh?" She starts. I guess the awkwardness got to her. "Yeah. It's uh it's closer to home."

Y/n hummed and walked out of the kitchen. But before fully walking out she stood at the entrance of it and I heard her let out a sigh. "She's really pretty, take care of her."

Then she walked off, leaving me confused and still fucking shocked.


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