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t/w - swearing, mentions of abandonment/absent parents

Bennett squirmed in the chair as he looked around the library. He and Lisa had taken a seat to chat about what was on Bennett's mind.

Lisa stared at him expectantly, waiting for him to say something, anything.

Her green eyes trailed down to Bennett's lap, where his hands lay, anxiously fiddling with each other.

She looked back up with a gentle expression.

"Hey," Lisa started, catching Bennett's gaze. They locked eyes.

"It's going to be okay, Bennett. Just start with what you're comfortable with, and end with what you're comfortable with.

Bennett slowly nodded and took a deep breath in. He started to explain how they had been out on an adventure together.

Not once did he leave out any detail, whether it had played a minor or major role in the problem. Lisa had seemed to enjoy listening to Bennett ramble, and she didn't butt in, so he just kept going.

He kept talking about how he burned the skewer, and Razor ate it, and they watched the beautiful scenery together.

The only thing he had left out was the fact that he maybe, might have, possibly, had a burning, passionate love for Razor.

After Bennett had finished explaining and sorting out clarifying questions with Lisa, she had abruptly stood up out of her chair and motioned Bennett to follow.

He obeyed and they strolled out of the HQ and into the beautiful weather of Mondstat.

After they had walked around the corner and into the sunlight, Lisa brought up her reply.

"Well, Bennett," she started. "I have no clue where Razor is, but I definitely would love to see him again. It's been a while since he's visited last. I will keep an eye out for him." Lisa finished, keeping her attention forward.

Bennett lowered his head and his posture curled down slightly as his hopeful expression turned into a frown.

"Well.. Thanks anyways, Lisa."

She nodded silently and they kept walking. Then a question popped up into Bennett's head.

He broke the stillness and asked Lisa his question.

"Hey, Lisa?"


"How come you and Razor are so close?" Bennett started.

"I mean, I know you knew him when he was younger or something, but he seems to be especially attached to you," he said, bringing his fingers up to his chin.

"He actually talks about you quite often, and always seems to be in awe of you." Bennett spewed.

Lisa smiled, looking up into the pale blue sky comically as her eyes softened. She sighed, and Bennett kept his gaze on her face.

"Well..." She kept walking.

"Since you're Razor's best friend, I'm sure you already know that when he was younger, his parents had left him."

Bennett nodded solemnly. This was a big part in Razor's life obviously, and he didn't take it well sometimes.

"...There is a lot I would like to say, but I don't think you wish for me to bore you. Grand Master Varka and I were the ones who basically raised Razor."

"I taught him a lot of what he knows now, like using his vision and element correctly. We spent many of our years together," she said softly, a touch of sadness leaving her soft, pink lips.

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