Mobile Ads

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Fuck mobile ads man!

I don't mind advertisments you know, they're the backbone of our economy. But if after 10-15 i can't skip it, then fuck off! If the 'X' is smaller than my will to live, then fuck off! If the add in general is just stupid THEN FUCK OFF!

It happens most when i'm Wattpad. I'll be going to the next chapter, the bam, ad. It shows some gameplay where they are so bad, dying purposefully. I know they do it on purpose to make you mad and guess what, IT ALWAYS WORKS on me.  And there is a particular game I'm talking about. 


Like how is the death of a mother and child have ANYTHING to do with gardening. Like holy shit I despise them so much. 

Theres also that stupid makeup game where an 'ugly' wife is cheated one then you have the descision to "leave" or "help" then proceed to VIOLATE that womans looks. LIKE HOW THE FUCK DOES THAT NOT PISS ME OFF.

then you download it and oh would you look at that ITS NOTHING LIKE THE AD.

Just to end off, 

Fuck mobile ads and anyone who makes them can go die <3

( I am kidding please don't die, just be better!)

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