| Chapter 43 |

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Love barely got a second of peace, before the front door swung open with a loud bang.


The two of them gave each other a surprised look because the voice didn't belong to any of the two people they expected. It wasn't Angie, nor Rico who had run after them.

It was Nathan.

„We don't need your shit right now, Nathan," Love spoke up, turning her body towards the blond guy, ready to fight him. But to her surprise, he didn't look upset like her mother, he wasn't going to yell at them. Above all things, he looked like he was going to cry.

„No, I'm not here to fight you guys," Nathan sighed, glancing back at the house behind his shoulder like he just checked if anybody else was coming after him. „I wanted to apologize."

„For what?" Love quirked up an eyebrow, his entire being confusing her to the core.

„For everything."

The young girl took a second to take in his words, her eyes searching for any sign of unsincereness, but even though she looked hard, she couldn't find any. Which only made her more confused.

„Mainly because of the way Aubrey has acted," he specified, his ears reddening in embarrassment. „I hardly recognize her. She never acted like this before."

„You put a ring on it, so you're in for the long run," Corpse couldn't stop the remark, causing the slightly smaller blond male to look at him.

„Yeah, about that..." he let out an uncomfortable laugh. „I just need money, man. I have no idea what to do with my life, I have no family, and I didn't even graduate. I'm sure you can understand."

Corpse's eyes narrowed upon hearing his words, his mind racing as he tried to connect the dots.

„And I just wanted to say that no matter how hard they try to hate, your fans will have your back," Nathan gave him a small smile.

„How do you..."

„I'm one of them, dude. I know things."

Those words caused both of the streamers to freeze. Love already tried to come up with some lie to cover him, maybe even punching Nathan in the face, while Corpse struggled to get air in his lungs.

His fan.

One of his fans was standing right in front of him.

And one of his fans has seen his face.

He knows.

He fucking knows everything.

„Please don't panic," Nathan rushed out, biting his lower lip anxiously. „Your secret is safe with me. I won't tell anyone. Nobody will know."

„If you tell a soul about this, or you give out pieces of information about him, I know where you live," Love threatened, pointing in his face with her yellow-manicured finger.

For a moment, all of them just stared at each other: Love's eyes narrowing in a threatening way, Nathan's wide eyes staring right back at her, while Corpse still tried to comprehend what just happened. He recognized him, there was nothing they could really do.

„You're actually scary," Nathan gulped, and took half a step back, just to put some space between them. Some kind of pride arose inside her because nobody ever considered her threatening or scary. She liked the new Love. „But I meant it. Nobody will know a thing."

„Good," Love was still a little unsure about this, but with the look Corpse gave him, she knew they could trust him. Corpse was usually good at sensing things like this, and even though he was extremely secretive about his identity, there was nothing they can do now. Not like Love had the power of deleting others' memories.

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