Chapter 13

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Julius Marcus Galanis, Lord of the black market. It was the first time we met him, but we knew enough information about him that it didn’t feel like it.

While rogues were a threat to the stability of packs, this wolf was a threat to the existence of us all. He was the Don of smuggling. He worked in everything illegal, from processed food to toys to human internet, pornography, drugs, weapons and human-wolf trafficking.

“Fire.” His voice thundered in the corridor as bullets rained on us.

A hit to the chest caused me to stagger. I had my protection on, but the impact was like an explosion. Another one graced my shoulder. At this short distance, we couldn’t fire back. We’d be dead before we pressed the triggers. Our only option was to create distance, then shoot.
Using my wolf' speed, I ran in a zigzag motion to avoid as many bullets as possible. Yet, burns erupted in several places in my body. We didn’t have any plan at this point, we just relied on our training and instinct.

The command room was far, but five meters ahead, the corridor divided into two directions. Running towards the right turn, I took out a grenade, pulled the pin, and threw it at the party chasing us. It exploded as I was about to emerge into the side corridor. The force of the explosion in such a contained space sent me flying. My head smashed against the wall. Blood gushed out from my eyebrow, forcing my eye shut. Despite the pain, I ran. As I approached another turn, I risked a glance behind me.

The first rogue entered the corridor. Behind him, the king was running in the other direction, followed by Julius.

This is it. Finish him once and for all.

A small head peeked from the king's shoulder, wide eyed and dishevelled. The small soldier was a woman, and the king was carrying her with him.

Before I could process what I saw, I turned to my right again. The sound of bullets followed my steps.

I need a plan. I can’t run forever.

I had to lead them back to the courtyard so I could have backup.

Or maybe I should hide and hunt them down one by one. No, that would be too risky.

I navigated the familiar corridors until I saw the light. I ran even faster to the point my body shook, wanting to shift, but I held my wolf down.

I jumped into the courtyard and rolled to slam against the wall next to the doorway. My chest rose and fell frantically. I wetted my lips and whistled for my knights. We were not from the same pack, so we couldn’t mindlink. Although, it would have been handy in a situation like this.

The footsteps were coming fast, I couldn’t wait. I snatched another grenade and threw it in the corridor.

That would slow them down a little.

The rogues were expecting it. They quickly backed away. When it went off, they stumbled. Only the closest was sent on their back, but no one got injured.

They jumped to their feet. Some of them had lost their weapons. I had mine aimed at them, but a mighty growl caused us all to freeze. Pointing my rifle, my shaking increased. The growl was strong that my wolf took it as a challenge.

Before I could press the trigger, a massive blond wolf tackled one of the rogues to the ground. It thrashed like a fireball, severing the rogue’s head. I had never seen such brutality.

The wolf snapped its head my way and the pink in them ripped my soul out of my body. Blenda bared her teeth at me and growled as blood dripped from her mouth. I shot a round without blinking, hitting the rogue charging at her between the eyes. The five remaining rogues shifted and attacked at once. Fire and ash collided. I couldn’t decipher my light from their darkness, so I threw away my rifle and charged at them.

Blenda and the largest of the wolves stood on their hindquarters in a frenzy, biting any spot they reached. Fur flew around them as the other wolves attacked her from behind.

My vision tunnelled. My blood rang in my ears. I could almost see the scene from outside my body. I lifted the wolf biting her leg and ran with it in my hands and crushed its skull into the wall. The next wolf tried to run away. I grabbed its tail and sunk my claws into its back. It yelped and launched forward, but I tightened my grip, peeling its fur off its back. Its red muscles pulsed as it convulsed on the floor.

I turned around to a gruesome sight. Next to the wolf laying in a pool of his blood, was Blenda, pinned down by two rogues. She turned her head to bite the rogue behind her, revealing a gushing wound.
I didn’t feel my body moving. Blood, flesh, and fur flew around me. I clawed at everything I reached. I pinned the mutt by the throat, and I punched its face, and punched and punched and punched until all that was left was a squashing mess of meat.

A muzzle nudged my back, and I whipped around with my fist high in the air. I halted when the pink eyes met me with more void than life. Blenda whined as she pushed her snout into my neck. I grabbed her muzzle, and she dropped her head against my chest.

I pressed her into me, looking at both sides of the corridor. They were empty, but it didn’t help to stop my growling. However, the pieces of flesh and splashes of blood coating the floor and the walls, soothed me.

My insanity took over again, and I don’t regret a thing.

I kissed Blenda's snout and petted her matted fur. Pushing her paw to inspect her wound, she growled, but I kept ruffling the fur to have a better view. Her shoulder was shot and bitten. Her chest and neck were bitten too.

“I have to take out the bullet so you can heal,” I whispered through the lump in my throat.

She laid her head on my shoulder and shrugged. When I sunk my fingers in her wound, she tensed. “It’s ok. I’m sorry,” I said, and she licked my shin.

The flat metallic surface burned when I touched it.

“What’s this?” I frowned as I slowly pulled it out. It was slippery, and the burning made the task even harder.

A silver bullet.

I lifted the small bullet between my fingers. It was strange with its glass tip.

“A silver bullet,” said the general as he walked in with his men. He shook his head at the mess around us.

“About time you showed up,” I said.

He crouched and checked Blenda’s pulse who had passed out a moment ago.

“She got lucky. The glass chamber didn’t break,” I said as I handed him the bullet. He pursed his lips as he turned it over in his gloved hands.

“They’re using prohibited weapons now?” The general said.

“But who are they? The rogues or the humans?”

Two knights peeled Blenda off my arms to take her to the doctor’s office. The general pulled me to my feet, and I stood there watching the blond wolf disappear into the maze of corridors.

“She’s safe Arthur, don’t worry.”

“The last time I left her thinking she was safe, she ended up with a silver bullet in her shoulder.”

“Pull yourself together, and let’s go, Arthu—Arthur!”

Everything happened in a second. As he shouted my name, he pushed me to the ground and jumped on top of me.

A shadow sped past us with a slight limp. Fire burned in his eyes, and blood covered most of his body. The Alpha King followed in his majestic wolf form. His paws were eating the ground. His black fur shone under the sun when he jumped and pushed Julius to the ground of the courtyard.

“The king is already winning, Omar,” I said, shoving the general. “Get off of me you heavy old man.”

He fell next to me, but didn’t move. His eyes stared up at something out of this world. There was a red hole in his left cheek, painting half of his face with blood.

I dropped my head between my hands, too stunned to take my eyes off of him.



So, Omar, huh 😁. If you know you know😉

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