Why Is He Like This?

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Sonic locked the door of his bedroom and looked at Y/N with a serious look.

You got nervous and took a step back as he grabbed your hands gently.

"Y/N, what's wrong? Why are you acting like this?"

"I should be asking you the same thing. You're not yourself Sonic."

"What are you talking about?"

"That perfume...it's changing you."

Sonic raised an eyebrow.

"Every time I spray it on, you show up very quickly and act differently."

"So...you're saying that I only love you because of some perfume?"


Sonic let go of her hands and felt hurt.

"How could you say something like that?"


"I don't care about some silly perfume. I care about you and only you. I just thought you were trying to get my attention since you kept using it. Now it explains so much."

"Sonic I..."

"I'm afraid of losing you Y/N. So sorry if I was to much for you to handle."

"That's not it at all!"

"Then what is it then?"

Y/N kept quiet, not knowing what to do or say.

"You mean everything to me and I do everything for you but now I can see in your eyes that you have doubts about us so you were trying to blame it on this dumb perfume of yours..."

"Sonic! No! That's not true!"

"Then why!? Why go blaming this all on me!?"

"Because you're never like this Sonic! You never kiss me in class, you never act like a jerk to others and you definitely don't go attacking everyone that is near me!"

Sonic glared at you.

"So this is all my fault huh? It's my fault that I love you so much."

"This isn't you Sonic and you know it!"

"Maybe I do and you just don't know me..."

"I just don't want you to do something you'll regret."

"You know what I regret? Admitting my feelings for you. I'm apparently to much for it that I can't share it how I want it."

"Sonic. You're being...."

"What? Ridiculous? Crazy? Insane? Well maybe I am but you know what? We're done."

Y/N was shocked and heartbroken.


"You heard me. I'm done with this. I'm done with you. I don't want to make you afraid of my affection for you so you should just go."



You broke into tears as you unlocked his room and left, running past Sonia in tears.


Manic was eating a snack when he noticed Y/N running off crying.

"Y/N!? Wait! What's wrong!?"

"Just leave me alone!" Y/N slammed the front door shut as he flinched a bit.

He stood there shocked and then looked back at the stairs, getting up to see what happened.

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