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It's... Warm.

The familiar sensation of warm covers that wrap you in a comfortable embrace.

When was the last time I felt this warmth?

My eyes slowly peel open, allowing me to see a wooden ceiling. Although I've slept in many buildings with wooden roofs, I cannot say that this is a familiar ceiling.

As my thoughts wander, seemingly contemplating wooden ceilings at random, I quickly realise—

"Shit!" I can't help but let out a hushed curse as I wiggle and flex my toes, confirming that my leg is still... attached to me? They were a bit numb, but they definitely functioned, at least.

Suddenly, a buzz of pain— wh- whoa, WH-AGGHHH

What the hell's happening to it!? Am I getting a fucking cramp?!

Hissing, I turn onto my side, moving my legs together, hoping to quell the pain by massaging them.


After a few indiscernible... moments of time, the pain gradually faded.

Covered in sweat, the sheets and covers were all wrinkled from my movements; it was at this moment that I realise I'm completely naked.

When my hand moves to push the covers down, my bare skin is exposed to the coldest air I've ever felt in my life.

Quickly retreating back to the safe warmth that the bedsheets provided, I'm stuck in bed, only able to inspect my surroundings.

I look around, recognising a nightstand to my left with what appeared to be a turned-off oil lamp on top, but instead of the space where the fire would be, there was some sort of curved wire.

And to the right is a window with no curtains and a simple cross of wooden bars. It's nearly pitch-black outside, but there are some stars.

I try to get up but fall back down onto the bed as the strength in my body seemingly leaves me. Shit, I think I'm going to fall asleep...

As I lay helpless, I could only see the familiar sight of a dark sky peppered with stars across a vast void expanse.

Except, that isn't the only thing I see.

Two moons, glowing in an eerie resemblance to one I'm all too familiar with.

And once again, darkness takes me.


I wake up to sunlight shining through the window. The pain in my leg is gone, and I can see the room better now. To my left is a girl—

"Zdravstvuyte~!" A girl with a soft, honey-like accent beams from my bedside.

"Jesus, where'd ya come from!?" Fuck, my soul nearly left my body!

Instinctively, I try to reach for my revolver or shotgun, only to remember that there is not a single article of clothing on my body.

With nothing else immediately coming to mind, I could do nothing but be at the stranger's mercy.

The girl giggles in amusement and helps me to a sitting position before blinking owlishly at my words.

"...You speak Victorian, ah? Not Ursus? But you look like a Columbian!" She quickly returned to a bright and cheery way of speaking.

It's clear that she doesn't mean any harm, so I slowly become more relaxed as we stare at each other. However, I still keep an eye on her, just in case...

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