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'he moved out' the thought saddened them. Baji looked over to chifuyu who had tear stains, but stopped crying. A sad smile appeared in his face, keeping his head straight be started walking down the stairs. "Where are you going?" "To Mikey of course, We don't know where takemitchi is but Mikey might" "but he might not even- scratch that he will not talk about takemitchi! You know that!" showing his phone he said "Not if we show him the proof" "wait up!" Chifuyu said running to catch up with baji.

They both got in the same motorbike which chifuyu still couldn't get over. He Hesitatantly put his hand around the waist of the black-haired man. They were driving over to the sano household, cause that's were everyone were hanging out but these two declined. Making their way, baji knocked on the door. The door open revealing short blond "Hmm? Baji? Chifuyu? What are you guys doing here?" "Wait baji and chifuyu?" Came a voice which they recognised as Draken. "We came to tell you guys something" replied Chifuyu. "Oh...come in" said Mikey allowing them to enter. As they did they saw the founders and some captains; mitsuyu, hakkai , inupi, peh-yan, sanzu, kisaki, all looking at them.

Sighing, chifuyu began "we wanted to talk to you guys- well tell you guys something" they all just looked confused, few raised an eyebrow to continue "it's about takemitchi........"
"what!? What!? WHAT!?" Came the answers "why the hell should we be talking about that traitor" they hear draken say. They feel a dark rage, dangerous aura; shivering they knew exactly who it was........Mikey. few people quickly went over to Mikey to calm him down. "Calm down king" "relax Mikey" "why. Should. We. Talk. About. Him.?" He says in a dangerous yet calm tone.

"Relax Mikey, maybe they have something else to say about him" Mitsuyu said. Though he still feared his leader, he did want to know what they have to say. Chifuyu started "W-well w-we fou-found o-out tha-that takemitchi was framed......and not a traitor." "What!?" Came an answer from almost all of them except kisaki, mitsuyu, and Mikey. Plus Mikey being quiet was not a good sign, with how loud he was? No way!

Taking a deep breath he continued "we found two figures talking about some plan that they set up, making it seem like Takemitchi is to blame. We never could see their faces cause they wore this black hoodie" "is there some proof you guys have?" Said Draken visibly confused and angry. "Yea, we got a recording....." He looked over to baji who took out his phone and started playing out the audio.

"it was easy, I just had to plant those photos~ and they believed that Takemitchi was a traitor! Oh god, his reaction was priceless but this is what he gets." One spoke with a calm tone while the other agreed "Of course, you have any other plan? We can try "finding" proof and make him in an even worse state?" "No, i have a better idea. My plan is already prepared we just have to-" click.
Both the guys looked towards eachother "didn't the recording go even more?" Asked chifuyu, "No. We left cause they heard us and it must be because of the chase!" Baji replied annoyed. As the recording ended everyone looked towards them with shock, few had their eyebrows raised as if to make them give more information.

Taking a deep breath, baji takes over "well, you guys remember the time when me and chifuyu said we will go last?" "yeah, we thought you guys wanted to makeout or something~"replied hakkai smirking, seeing baji and chifuyu flushed. "shut up!" both of them stated. "good you remember and we didn't make out, we are not even dating!" exclaimed chifuyu still bushing, a chuckle came out from hakkai, "not yet" mumbled baji.

No one heard him except a certain blond with an undercut who flushed even more at the remark. continuing baji's face turned serious "we heard whispers and we thought it was just us who was in shrine, so we went to check it out. seeing two figures, we couldn't see their faces as they had covered it with black hoods. The recording meant to go more but they spotted us so" "So, if they did this they definitely have another plan right? you did hear it" stated the lilac-haired boy. "wait so, takemitchi is innocent?......" this time draken spoke with a confused tone.

Traitor // Mitakeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें