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24th February 1952

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24th February 1952

Papa, I am writing this morning for once to inform you on a more light subject but I have meet a boy. Now, I am not in love with him but I do enjoy being with him and I do believe he enjoys being with me. It is a beautiful friendship that has been in the last few days and I feel interested in what the future could hold more us. It might not turn into anything more than friendship but I do hope he stays for a long while.

He is a daydream. I don't know how else to describe him. When I say daydream, I don't mean in the sense that he the type of person that you dream of one day meeting. No. He has his flaws but that doesn't make him a bad human but a real one. I mean he a daydream that he the type of person to come into your life, but you afraid of losing him. You become lost when you are him because you become so inaware of him. He has a lost look in his eyes, but there a light in of innocence on them. He has a timeless feel to him. It wouldn't matter what time period you throw him in, he never looked out of place. His voice is soothing along with the words he says. He wants the whole world not to see him but you can't help but think about him and catch him because he is a daydream. His lips are full with soft brown hair and dark circles under his eyes. He has a feminist look about him but it is charming. I enjoy it when he walks away from me. He a daydream and I would like him to one day be my daydream.

NOTE; unedited

It has been two days since James started to stay with Josie. Original, he didn't plan to, he was just going to use her bath and eat some more but he enjoyed her company. He didn't want to leave and when it was time for bed there no awkwardness between the two of them. Just two adults of the opposite sex sharing a bed.

James has learned about Josephine habits with staying with her. Every breakfast, she will always have a bowl of fruit. She uses lavender oils in her bath. She doesn't mind untidiness but she hates when clothes are felt on the floor. Every evening she will speak to her sister, Maggie. The phone calls are between 5 minutes to 25 minutes. But one of that James has noticed that Josephine seems to be unaware of the affect she has on James and her walking round the room wearing her silk nightgown has become both a nightmare and dream for James.

It had been the first night that James was struggling to sleep. Now it wasn't unusual for James to have trouble sleeping but it's another reason why he has enjoyed staying with Josephine because he been able to sleep the whole night through. But the thought of Josephine in her silk nightgown, was causing her a number of problems. He keep on tossing and turning. She was driving Josephine insane. She did think of hitting him with a pillow but it would just cause a pillow fight between the two of them. James turned again with his back now facing so Josephine threw her right arm over James.

"Stop moving." Josephine said. She was gritting her teeth in annoyance but the problem was that James only finding her more attractive.

"It isn't that I don't mind cuddle with you but you are actually disabling my sleep." James said and Josephine rolled her eyes. She let of where she was hugging James and James rolled over so he was now facing her.

"Is there something on your mind? A penny for your thoughts." Josephine asked. One thing that she learned about James that before bed, he enjoys having conversations with her. Sometimes it can the most random thing and other times they are having a deep conversation. Josephine, was thankful that James hasn't yet ask her too many personal questions but she knew it was going to happen soon and she was correct in her thoughts.

James thoughts was still distracted by Josephine her in silk nightgown with no underwear underneath. She was laying on her side and she hasn't yet noticed that one of her strips was falling down. "What is the body part you find the most attractive but you can't go for the ...."

Josephine let out a small laugh before saying "Collarbone." Now this wasn't the answer that James was expecting. He thought she was going to not very original and go for someone eyes, their lips or hands. A small smile came across Josephine lips, it was clear that she had a cheeky thought.

"I would like a penny of your thoughts, that made you have a giggle."

"I like it when you walk away from me because I get to look at your bottom." Josephine said it was very mumbling but because of how Josephine and James was, he was able to hear what she said.

"Oh, really? Well I like it when you walk away too."

"Really? There nothing there to see for me. Next you going to be informing me that you like looking at my front when there nothing interesting to see."

"I would like to go to the court because I highly disagree with your comments."

Josephine rolled her eyes at James comment but there was a small smile on her lips. The two of them was blushing because of the other comments.

"Joan." Joan was the nickname that James has given Josephine. In return to his nickname, Josephine calls him Jamie. "Why did you come to New York?"

"I was running away from my life. Since I was teenage, I go away somewhere for 3 days whenever I felt overwhelmed by my life or just needed a break. On February 15th, was the worst day of my life because I lost my Father.... I wanted to run away but I wanted to go somewhere fair and I remember my Father told me when he came to America, just before the second world wars and I thought why don't I go there. I wasn't expecting to enjoy myself here as well."

James knew that he should of probably asked when will Josephine be going back to England but truthfully he didn't want to know. It wasn't that he didn't care because he did but he was afraid of what he answer would be when she comes back. The thought of not seeing Josephine for a month and even longer sounded like a living nightmare. But most of he was afraid that she would forget about him.

After what Josephine told James, in his heart he felt torn. One way, he would adore what it was like to know to have a good relationship with your father. A relationship what losing them is the worst possible day of your life but James knew what feeling felt like of losing a parent. Losing a parent and your life never been the same again.

"Truthfully, I would go to say that it get easier losing a parent but your learn to live with that pain and some days it feels like the pain is the only way to keep going, to keep them alive because you know they aren't in pain anymore." James said. It was the most heartbreaking statement that Josephine had heard but she believed every word he said was true. It was beautiful and so was he.

"What parent did you lose?" Josephine said. She hoped she wasn't overstepping the boundaries. She felt a tear in her eye.

"My mum, she died when I was 9 years old." James said. "She had cancer."

"Oh I am sorry for your loss." Josephine responded. "Guessing Dad was shit." Josephine asked and James nod his head. "My mum is shit too."

Josephine moved forward a little bit more to where James was laying on the bed and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. She then grab hold of his hand and held it in hers. She could feel the tears in her eyes, it wasn't until James wiped his thumb under her eyes that she realised she was crying. James gave Josephine a soft kiss on the check then on the forehead. Putting his forehead next to Josephine so they was touching. Josephine eyes was full with sadness that he needed for her to smile. James brushed his nose over Josephine nose. She closed her eyes a small smile came across her lips.


Hello, hope you are all ok!

I adore this chapter! James was being horny, Josephine was flirting. There was some crying, and soft kisses!!

James won't be in the next chapter
or very little of him if he is.

Regarding, Josephine family, are we interested
in having chapter with them in or not really bothered. I do plan on writing ones but I don't want to be writing them if we aren't interested in Josephine family etc.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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