"Drama queen" he mumbled under his breath, but I clearly heard, I gasped dramatically, he walked away, once I made sure he left I turned to Rose

" Give me the file" I said

" Which file?" She asked, I rolled my eyes


"Ayesha i don't know"

"I just want to see the design" I insisted

"Ok! But be careful "

I returned to my desk with the file in my hand. I leaned my back on the chair, opened the file and studied the design

"Yuck" I felt disgusted with the design. I can't believe he has approved this, Afham would never like these.

I closed the file and put it on the desk feeling sick with what I saw, I could have done so much better than that crap

I took some blank sheets and grabbed some pencils for sketching

"Let's see if I had to design how'd I do it" I muttered

Then I closed my eyes and recalled what Afham said, I tried feeling the love he has for his parents, I imagined baba and mumma. I inhaled sharply, I saw a vision of the house right infront of me, I opened my eyes and tried put my imagination on the paper.

It took me almost two hours to finish the design, I looked at it in self appreciative eyes, I loved every inch of it, I blew a kiss

"Great job Ayesha" I patted my back

"Now that's what is called a good designing, not this" I pointed at the crap, I quickly wrote "made by Ayesha Siddiqui" and kept them in the seperate file, I will show these to Reem

My phone rang, I saw it was sufiyan's call, I answered with a little hesitance

"Hello" I said

"Hi... Ay.. i .ca.. to .. a..." his voice cracked

"I can't understand what you are saying" I said

"I .. wa... S ..rem..."

"Wait let me go in network area"

Sometimes there's network issue, then i go in the pantry it's always fine there. I went there and as expected the quality of the call improved, I could hear him clearly

As i was busy in talking with him, Rose came to my side.

"Ayesha where is the imam's project file! The guy is here to collect it" she asked

"It's on my desk" I replied, she nodded and left

Soon after the call ended I returned to my desk, I realised that I didn't have anything to eat when my stomach grumbled.

I decided to just have coffee, I'm anyway going to meet sufiyan as soon as the office will be done.

I got coffee and came back to the cubical. I switched on my laptop and signed in with my official account and went straight to the company's website, I had to upload some documents.

I saw Mr Khan passing by, he looked at me and our gazes met, I turned my head away in the opposite direction immediately. I don't even want to see him right now.

The whole day passed it was 6 o'clock I had to leave now, I gathered all of my stuff, put it in a bag, I was about to leave when out of nowhere Mr Khan came

"I need to talk to you" he said, I rolled my eyes, there was a girl standing two steps away from me, she was packing her bag

"Arey suno! (Hey listen!)" I called her, she turned to me, "kya naam hai tumhara? kher jo bhi ho, office time khatam ho gaya to mai jaa rahi hu (what is your name, whatever it is! Office hours finished I'm going home)" I said to her, she looked at me in confusion

Just let me love you.. again (SEASON I)Where stories live. Discover now